Jan 1, 1162
genghis khan born
His parents names are yesukhei, his father, hoelun, his mother. -
Sep 22, 1215
kublai khan born
he roe to power in 1260. Kublai khan was Genghis khan grandson. his parents names are, his father, Tolui, his mother, sorghagtani. -
Jan 1, 1219
attack on the khwarezm empire
when he died his son alaeddin sat on his throne but after many years, the early years he reign started to struggle against the other princes. in 1214, he destroyed the empire an the gurid sultanae of india. after he expanded the borders of the empire up to the presian gulf. -
Aug 18, 1227
genghis khan dies
he died on august 18 in 1227. on his deathbed he ordered that xi xia wul beswipped offteface of he earth, his successors levled the cities and towns by enslaving all their inhabitats. -
Jan 11, 1251
mongke become the great khan
he was born in 1208 in Mongolia. he was the last man to hold the title to bas the his capital in Karakorum. under his rule the city achieved unprecedented splendor and the empire contuined to expand the rapid rate. -
Aug 11, 1259
mongke dies
he was killed in action. he also died in Szechwan, China. his brother, hulegu, took over in the west. And his other brother, the famous Kublai, took over in the east and outflanked the Chinese in the south and captured the thai kingdom. -
Jan 1, 1264
war between ariq and kublai khan ends
This big battle about he was now supposed to rule came to an end. -
Mar 19, 1279
kublai khan conquers the song dynstasy
the song dynasty strte to rule in china at 960, it ruled parts of china more than 3 centuries. that reign ended on march 19,1279, -
Feb 18, 1294
kublai khan dies
it took 20 total years to achieve what his mission was to achieve. once he was finally proud of himself but now helies on the mongols empire.