
the mexican war of independence tyvone hall

  • 1753

    in 1753 miguel hisdalgo y costilla was the second of eleven children fathered by cristobal hidalgo.
  • moral authority

    moral authority
    the conspiracy felt that they needed someone with a moral authority.
  • take over in 1803

    take over in 1803
    1803 miguel took over for him as priest of the town of dolores.
  • gatherings

    hidalgo often hosted gatherings at his home where he would talk about whether it was the duty of the people to obey.
  • 1810

    hidalgo and allende marched their growing army through the towns of san miguel and celoya.
  • the mexican war of independence begins

    the mexican war of independence begins
    miguel launches the mexican war of independence with the issueing of his grito del dolores or cry of dolores.
  • the locals

    the locals
    hidalgo rang the church bells on the morning of the sixteenth calling in all of the locals who happened to be in the market on that day.
  • the explosion

    calleja was vastly outnumbered he caught a break when a lucky cannonball exploded a rebel munitions wagon.
  • in the early 19th century

    in the early 19th century
    in the early 19th century napoleons occupation of spain led to the outbreak or revolts all across spain america
  • rebel leaders

    rebel leaders
    all of the rebel leaders were found guilty and sentenced to death except for mariano abasolo.
  • miguel positions

    miguel positions
    miguel positions has become comented in lore.
  • 1820

    in 1820 liberals took power in spain.
  • 1821

    in early 1821 agustin de lturbide the leader of royalist forces, negotiated the plan of lguala with vicente guerrero.
  • august

    on august 24 1821 spanish viceory juan o donoju signed the treutp of cordoba.
  • monarch

    in 1822 as no bourbon monarch to rule of mexico have been found.
  • on 1823

    In 1823 republicans leaders santa and lupe victoria deposed iturbide and set up a republic with gudalupe victoria.