Lousiana Purcahse
Texas secedes from Mexico
Texas secedes and becomes a one Country -
Texas brought to union
Ttexas broke off from Mexico and the U.S. congress brought it to the Union. -
Washington Union position of President Poke
The news paper the Washington Union represents the postion of president polk. -
John O'Suullivan used famous quote
John O'sullivan the editor of "Democratic Review", "Our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." Yes manifest destiny. -
Orders from Washigton D.C. for ...
Orders from Washington D.C. dsy that to move to the Rio Grande and expel any Mexican forces. -
New York Herald
“The multitude cry aloud for war.” -
Lincioln spoke out against war
Military incident
Colonel cross was walking up the rio grande when he disapperaed and his body was found eleven days later. This was the Military incident Polk had wanted to have a reason to commence the war. -
U.S. patrols are attacked by Mexicans on Mexican territory.
Polk suggest war ro cabinet
President polk sugggested decleration of war to the cabinet BEFORE any news of battles. -
New York Trubune
Horace Greekey wrote: "We can easily defeat the armies of Mexico, slaughter them ny thousands. ... Who believes that a score of victories over Mexico, thev "annexation" of half her provinces, will give us more Liberty, a purer Mortality, a more prosperous Industry, than we now have? ... Is now we have Death soon enough, without resort to the hideus enginery of war?" -
Rallies and demonstratioin fro war
There were rallies and demonstrations for the war funded by congress. They took place in New York, Baltimore, Indiappalolis Philidelphia and more. -
polk claims Mexicans invaded territory of U.S.
Lincoln not yet in congress by begginnning got war, elected in !846 challenged Polk -
U.S. Troups arrive in Mexico
henry David Thoreau thrown in jail
henry David Thoreau was thrown in jail because he was refusing to pay his war taxes. His friends paid the taxes for hima agianst his wishes. When they cam eto his cell they said what are you doing in there? he then replied ,What are you doing out there. the Government then referred to his behavior as "Civil disobiedience". after his writing was published. -
The Churches
the Churches were either wildy in favor of the war or just quietly neuteral. -
Reverend Theodore Parker
reverend Theodore Parker said things like "[The Mexicans are a] Wretched people; wretched in their origin and charcater" who most give way like the indians. -
Height and Strength Rules for the War
In 1846, the U.S. millatary lowered the reqiurements for the war. So people who are weaker could get in. This proves that they wanted the war and were ambitous and wanted the land. -
The New York Herold
The New York Herold says it is U.S. destiny to "civilize" Mexico and conquer it. -
the Congressional Globe
the Congressional Globe repoted that the U.S. will gain a loy of territory and it is our destiny. and dont take it for granted -
A recuit said
On of the recruits said: "Asia ... will be brought to our very doors. Population will flow into the fertile regions of California. The resources of the entire country ... will be developed. ... The public lands lying along the route [of railroads] will be changed from deserts into gardens, and a large population will be settled. ." -
Mexican War Ended
Ferdirick Douglass Wrote
“the present disgraceful, cruel, and iniquitous war with our sister republic. Mexico seems a doomed victim to Anglo Saxon cupidity and love of dominion.” -
Lincol's speach
Basically Lincoln is opposing the war and asking is it really worth it to break into innocent Mexican homes and take over when they have done nothing wrong.