The Martian Chronicles

  • Rocket Summer

    Rocket Summer
    A rocket comes down and lands in Ohio in the cold winter. The rocket melted the snow away and brought summer with it.
  • Ylla

    Ylla begins to have weird dreams about a human named Nathaniel landing on mars. Yll, Ylla's husband gets mad about these dreams and finds out when Nathaniel is landing on mars. Yll goes out hunting when Nathaniel lands and it is implied that he kills him.
  • The Summer Night

    The Summer Night
    All over mars the martians start to hum strange toons and they all began to have weird dreams. The martians all became very fearful and the streets were basically deserted because of how scared they all were.
  • The Earth Men

    The Earth Men
    Astronauts from earth land on mars and go door to door telling all the martians where they are from. They get put into an insane asylum and Mr. Xxx shoot them because he thinks they are hallucinations. Mr. Xxx then begins to think he has gone insane so he shoots the crew and himself as well.
  • The Taxpayer

    The Taxpayer
    Pritchard is a citizen from earth who begs to go to mars because he pays his taxes. He figures it is a nice place due to the fact that most of the people who have went there have stayed there.
  • The Third Expedition

    The Third Expedition
    17 astronauts travel to mars but one dies on the way there. When the men get to mars it looks like what Captain John Black calls Green Bluff, Illinois. The martians trick the men and kill them. The martians pretended to be their dead reletives to pull the men in with their emotion. The martians then hold an earth style funeral for the men the next day.
  • and the Moon Be Still as Bright

    and the Moon Be Still as Bright
    A year later a fourth expedition is sent to mars from earth. There is no sign of life and the crew believes that is due to chicken pox from the last expedition. Spender goes on his own search and then comes back saying he is a martian. He tries to convince Cheroke that he is a martian by pointing out the similarities. Spender kills 5 crew members and wants to kill the whole crew to preserve life on mars. Captain Wilder can't kill Spender due to his conscious. They agree to preserve life on mars.
  • The Settlers

    The Settlers
    More and more people began to abandon earth and go to mars for many different reasons. The government was supporting the people going to mars. The United States began to fade away and the eath became more and more abandoned.
  • The Green Morning

    The Green Morning
    The air is too thin for all of these people on mars and people are being told to go back to earth. Benjamin Driscoll is a man living on mars and he begins to plant tons of trees and grass in order to make the air stonger on mars.
  • The Locusts

    The Locusts
    Rockets full of men and woman were coming to mars to start their lives. A bunch of towns were being built on mars and more people were on their way from earth.
  • Night Meeting

    Night Meeting
    Tomas Gomez is an old man on his way to a party when he runs into a martian named Muhe Ca. They realize that they can't touch each other and that they can see through each other completely. They come to the conclusion that they are not from the same time.
  • The Shore

    The Shore
    It tells the story of the first people coming from earth to mars. The first group of people to com ewere americans and the second group was alos americans. People from all over were going to follow them to mars but a lot of people got consumed by the war.
  • Interim

    The settlers on mars begin to build even more earth like towns on mars.
  • The Musicians

    The Musicians
    The boys of eaqrth are hiking to the deserted martian towns and palying in all th edead bodies. They even make music using the skulls of the dead martians. They know that their time is limited though because the firemen are coming to burn all the dead bodies soon.
  • The Fire Balloons

    The Fire Balloons
    A priest on mars wants to convert some of th enatives from mars to his religion. He finds a bunch of blue like globe creatures and they end up saving father Peregrine's life. After that they began to form a religion around the blue creatures.
  • The Naming of Names

    The Naming of Names
    Many things on mars begin to be named after the men from the first expedtions. It talks about how everything on mars got their names. The new names are not as descriptive as the old ones. The people are adapting mars to them rather than them adapting to mars.
  • Usher II

    Usher II
    William Stendahl has come to mars to build the house of his dreams. He was banned from building the house on earth and this is his revenge. A man named Garrett comes to inspect the house but he is killed by a robotic ape. He invites the top politicians over and has them killed and repleced with robots. The real Garrett arrives as the first one was a robot. Garrett gets trapped in an alcove and Stendahl escapes in a helicopter as the house dissappears below a bog.
  • The Old Ones

    The Old Ones
    Mars is full of old retirees.
  • The Martian

    The Martian
    LaFarge and his wife Anna miss their son Tom and then one day he shows up on their porch. Anna belives he is real and insists that they go to town. They go to town and Tom disappears. Tom is a martian and he keeps morphing into peoples lost loved ones. Everyone in the town ends up chasing him and then the original Tom falls to the ground, melts and dies.
  • The Luggage Store

    The Luggage Store
    Father Peregrine and the proprietor talk about how a war is about to break out on earth. The proprietor thinks that people on mars will want to go back earth when the bombs drop on america.
  • The Off Season

    The Off Season
    Sam Parkhill wants to have the best hot dog stand on mars. The last few martians want to talk to him but he gets scared and shoots one. He gets into a sort of hovercraft and tries to outrun the rest of the martians. The martians eventually catch up and telll him that they are giving him half of mars. This hot dog stand and land could end up making Sam a lot of money when people come back to mars. However, that night the nuclear war on earth begins.
  • The Watchers

    The Watchers
    The nuclear war on earth begins. At 9 o'clock the earth went up into flames. Australia was atomized in premature explosion and parts of the U.S and London were bombed. There was a message sent to mars telling the people to come home.
  • The Silent Towns

    The Silent Towns
    Almost everyone on mars chose to go back to earth. One martian that stayed is named Walter Gripp. Walter is lonely and he calls a random phone number to try to find someone to talk to. The woman he calls is named Genevieve Selsor and they decide to meet. Genevieve wants to marry Walter but Walter does not like her at all. Walter leaves her and goes back to living alone on mars.
  • The Long Years

    The Long Years
    Hathaway sees a rocket landing on mars so he sets a fire on town to signal the rocket. Hathaway learns that Captain Wilder was in the rocket and he had just gotten back from exploring other planets in the solar system. Hathaway invites the captain to dinner. The captain realizes that Hathaways family looks the same as they did 20 years and finds out they are robots. Hathaway dies of a sudden heart condition. Hathaway's robots bury his body and Captain Wilder says goodbye and goes back to earth.
  • There Will Come Soft Rains

    There Will Come Soft Rains
    A futuristic house keeps performing it's daily tasks even though no one is living there anymore. The family dog comes into the house and dies from not being fed and taken care of. Eventually a fire destroyed the house.
  • The Million-Year Picnic

    The Million-Year Picnic
    A family with three kids lands a rocket on mars. The rocket later self destructs because the dad wants them to start a new life on mars. The dad tells the family that another family with daughters is coming to live on mars too. The kids keep asking to see the martians. They pick a martian town to live in and the dad burns papers and other things from earth. The dad then tells the kids to look at their reflections in the canal, he says that they are the martians.