The Long Road

  • Work Flow

    Work Flow
    After graduating high school, I moved out of my mother's home and started working full-time as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). I worked for the town of West New York and a neighboring town. The events I experienced during this time were truly invaluable.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I am from a tiny yet overpopulated town located in northern New Jersey. The town of West New York does not have a shiny reputation, however, it is home. On June 24, 2002, I became the first person in my family to graduate and receive my high school diploma. This experience was momentous for both myself and my family.
  • College

    In 2003, I decided to enroll and attend college while I worked full-time. I managed to attend one full year before deciding to take a break. At that time, I wasn't clear about what direction I wanted to take. It was best to take a step back and figure out what I needed to do to bring order to my life.
  • University Hospital

    University Hospital
    In 2005, I was hired to work as an EMT in the city of Newark, NJ. Newark has a high crime rate and so the workload was heavy. I worked late nights and handled some extremely disturbing medical calls. I also created strong bonds with coworkers who are currently still a part of my life.
  • The Big Move

    2007 was the year to make life changing moves. I decided I needed a change in my life. I was tired living the fast paced life and I had gained about 100 lbs. My family relocated to Florida about 4 years prior to my decision to move. I settled in Central Florida and made a lifestyle change. I started exercising and eating cleaner. I was able to shed about 70 pounds that year. 2007 was the start of a new me.
  • 911 Dispatcher

    911 Dispatcher
    I worked as a 911 dispatcher for Osceola County Sheriff's Office. There were a lot of ups and downs during this time but I gained some valuable experiences. This was also my moment of clarity. I decided I did not want to make dispatching a permanent career. While working 12 hour shifts overnight, I attended Valencia College, Seminole College, and later on the University of Central Florida. I worked for the sheriff's office a total of 9 years including 2 years of part-time work.
  • UCF Graduation

    UCF Graduation
    in 2013, I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with an Education minor. I also became the first member of my family to graduate and obtain a university diploma.
  • Teaching

    A couple of weeks post graduation, I was offered a teaching position with Orange County Public Schools. I taught exceptional student education for four years.
  • Grad School

    After completing my undergraduate degree, I decided I wanted to do more. I applied and accepted into the Instructional Design and Technology program at the University of Central Florida. I completed all coursework with the exception of my internship. 2 years later, I'm back and hope to graduate in Spring 2018.
  • Instructional Designer

    2017 rolled around and it was time for another life changing moment, 10 years after relocating to the state of Florida. I was offered a position as an Instructional Systems Designer in the UCF area. Tough decisions can cause turmoil in life but sometimes you have to take a chance. I left my teaching position midyear and started working for a service disabled Veteran owned small business.