This timeline addresses MN Health Education Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors
First Happy Meal is sold at McDonalds
Congress urges state and local governments to require high-quality daily physical activity programs in the schools
National School Lunch Act is passed requiring less fat in school lunches
US Surgeon General's "Call to Action" is implemented to prevent and decrease obesity
Sesame Street's Cookie Monster stops gorging on sweets and sings that cookies are "a sometimes food"
Beverage industry voluntarily removes high calorie soft drinks from school vending machines
U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) predicts 42% of Americans will be obese by the year 2030
World Health Statistics reveals 1 in 6 adults are obese; 1 in 3 are hypertensive; 1 in 10 are diabetic