William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 In Cornwall England to a suffragette mother and schoolmaster father. (Biography) -
Attends Brasenose college
His father sends him here hoping he will become a scientist however, he studies literature (biography) -
Publishes "Poems"
In 1934 William publishes his first book which consists of poems, this book is hugely criticized (biography) -
Golding Becomes Teacher of Philosophy and english
In 1935 William becomes a Philosophy/English teacher at Bishop Wordsworth's school (biography) -
William Gets Married
Married Ann Brookfield in 1939, just one year before he goes to war -
Joins The Royal Navy to Fight For His Country In WW2
William halts his teaching and becomes a soldier for the Navy, he is placed on a battleship for the next 6 years (biography) -
First Child Born
Golding's first child David was born in 1940 (biography) -
Second Child born
Judith, William's second child is born in 1945, after he arrives home from war -
Golding Returns to Teaching
In 1945, after WW2 is over, William returns to his teaching job for a while (biography -
Publishes "Lord of The Flies"
In 1954 William finally published his first novel called "Lord of The Flies" which has been rejected by many. (biography) -
William Retires From Teaching
In 1962, Golding retires from his teaching position. and in the later years he receives many awards for his novel (biography) -
Film of Golding's Novel is Made
In 1963, the "Lord of The Flies" Movie is released, Directed by Peter Cook (biography) -
Awarded the Nobel Prize
In 1983, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature (biography) -
Becoming a Knight
In 1988, The Queen of England, Elizabeth ll honors Golding by Knighting him. (biography) -
New 'Lord of The Flies" Movie Released
In 1990, just three years before Golding's death, a new film version of " Lord of The Flies" was released -
The Death of an Author
Golding dies from a heart attack in his home city on June 19, 1993 (biography)