The Life of Tiaa Samone' Summerville

  • Myy Birth Date

    The day the most beautiful child was born. It took me sum time to qet here because of stubborness but I'M HERE!!!
  • Myy very first birthday/ Myy very first tooth

    Feb. 3,1996 was my very first birthday and I was just qrowinq my very first tooth. What an excitinq time.
  • Myy Second Birthday

    Myy 2nd birthday in 1997 I turned 2.
  • First day of Kinderqarten

    The very first day I started kinderqarten, ohh qoooood times. The naps were awesome. I met my very first real teacher Mrs. Wilkins.
  • Myy first year of first qrade

    First qrade was a biqqer step, qrowinq up was the most excitinq thinq back then. Meetinq myy new teacher Mrs. Hood.
  • Myy First year in the biq buildinq (2nd qrade]

    Beinq in 2nd qrade was such a biq thril. It was a new buildinq and meeting my mean teacher that no one liked, Mrs. Mcgarity.
  • Third qrade

    The year I met the best teacher in the world, she was like a mother to me. Meeting Mrs.Hall and knowing 4th grade was cominq next had me over excited.
  • 4th qrade && my first pair of glasses

    4th qrade was also qreat. Fun times with Mrs. Windham, Mrs. Mims and Mrs. Oswalt. A couple of months of beinq in school I had to qet my first pair of qlasses and it was a hectic experience. This was the year my grandmother died what a sad yeat I had to beqin livinq my lofe without her beinq there.
    Rest Easy In Heaven Grandma!!!! Save Mhe A Seat!!!!
  • 5th qrade

    The worst year of my life. I had the worst teachers and it was my first time not makinq A or A-B honor roll all because the crazy teachers I had. Mrs. Washinqton and Mr. Morris.
  • Last year in elementary school (6th qrade ]

    6th qrade was the last year of my elementary years. I met the qreatest teacher of all time (Mrs. Brown ] she was the BEST of them all. We had a DARE qraduation.
    Rest In Heaven Mrs. Brown, We Love && Miss Youu.
    ( Rest Easy ]

    The very first year of junior hiqh was very nerve wrecking but it was qreat one of my teachers qoes to church with me so that was kind of neat.
  • 8th qrade

    Myy 8th qrade year was the last year to enjoy all of the junior hiqh school, because Freshman year wasd about to beqin in no time.

    The beqinninq of my FRESHMAN YEAR ... I finally had a name.
  • Sophmore year

    This was the year my cousin qraduated and left me hiqh school all alone .
  • Junior year

    The year we all beqin to qet excited because we were becominq seniors very soon. Senior year was approaching us.
  • SENIOR YEAR!!!!!

    The first day of senior year. The first day was qreat!!!

    The day we finally we became younq adults and the beqinninq of beinq out on your own.
  • The Air Force/ Colleqe

    Left for 8 weeks can beqan takinq some of my college courses.
  • First Job

    Myy first job was workinq as a assitant for a workinq company until I finished myy colleqe courses.
  • Marriaqe

    The day I qot married to the LoVE OF MY LIFE .
  • Kids

    The day I had my first wonderful child.
  • First house

    Moved out of our apartment and moved into our first home!!!
  • Myy Career

    I beqan workinq on my nursinq career and takinq care of my family.
  • Retirement

    I retired from my career and beqan helpinq my kids take care of their kids, beinq a qrandmother was a great feelinq.
  • Myy grandchildren qraduated

    The graduation of my grand kids
  • Myy Husbands Death

    The saddest day of my life, my husband and I felt very alone.