The Life of Mohandas Gandhi

  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is born in Pordanbar, India.

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is born in Pordanbar, India.
  • Gandhi marries his first wife Kasturba at the age of thirteen.

    *projected date
  • Gandhi's father, Karamchand, dies.

    *projected date
  • Gandhi founds the Natal Indian Congress, which was an organization created to fight the discrimination against Indians in South Africa.

    *projected date
  • Satyagraha ashram, the religious farm in which Gandhi, his family, and his followers lived, is founded.

    Satyagraha ashram, the religious farm in which Gandhi, his family, and his followers lived, is founded.
  • Gandhi calls for a non-cooperation movement across India for Indian freedom from the British rule.

  • Gandhi is arrested for sedition after promoting boycotts and civil disobedience amongst Indians.

  • Gandhi becomes president of the Indian National Congress, which worked for change in India.

    *projected date
  • The Declaration of Independence of India is published by Gandhi.

  • Gandhi leads the Salt March, a 200-mile march of 50,000 Indians to protest British tax on salt.

    Gandhi leads the Salt March, a 200-mile march of 50,000 Indians to protest British tax on salt.
  • Gandhi is arrested for his role in the Salt March, but the people of India continued Gandhi-inspired non-cooperation movements.

  • Gandhi participates in the Second Round Table Conference in Britain as the sole official Indian Congress representative.

    Gandhi participates in the Second Round Table Conference in Britain as the sole official Indian Congress representative.
    *projected date
  • Gandhi fasts for six days to protest treatment of Untouchables.

  • Gandhi fasts in prison once again, this time for thirty-two days, to protest British rule.

  • Gandhi is assassinated by Hindu nationalist Nathurum Godse in Dehli.

    Gandhi is assassinated by Hindu nationalist Nathurum Godse in Dehli.