The life of Ghandi

  • Indian Rebellion

    Indian Rebellion
    Indian Rebellion
  • Indian Gov.

    Indian Gov.
    The Government of India Act 1858 was an Act of the Parliament of UK
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    Indian National Congress, founded by a collection of educated elites hoping to build bridges with people involved with government and other officials, went on to become the most influential organization in the transition
  • Disobidiance

    Ghanids first act of disobidiance
  • The Coins

    The Coins
    The Coinage act
  • Arrested

    Gandhi is arrested again, spends a month in jail.
  • Home

    Ghandi returns home
  • Peace...

    WW1 ends
  • The British

    The British
    The British Ram the repressive Rowlatt Act through India’s Imperial Legislative Council.
  • More Peace

    More Peace
    Gandhi started his experiment of non-violent non-cooperation
  • The Decleration

    The Decleration
    Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India.
  • Hunger

    Mohandas Gandhi begins a hunger strike to protest caste separation. (near Bombay, India)
  • Recommendations

    A bill drawn up on the basis of these recommendations and passed as the Government of India.
  • Ghandi is imprisoned

    Ghandi is imprisoned
    Congress leaders are arrested; Gandhi is imprisoned in the Aga Khan's palace.
  • Partition

    The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire that led to the creation and union of india.
  • United

    The independent states of India and Pakistan were created (India)
  • R.I.P

    Ghandi is dead