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The Life of Gandi

By Coan
  • Birth

    Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. His parents were Putlibai Gandhi and his mothers name was Karamchand Gandhi.
  • Marriage

    Gandhi was married at the age of 13 to a girl by the name of Kasturbai. This was normal in his culture.
  • Gandhi’s kid

    Gandhi’s kid
    His kid was born in June in India. He was named Harilal; he had his kid at the age of 19.
  • Natal Indian Congress

    Natal Indian Congress
    Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress. He made it to fight back against the discrimination they were facing
  • Another son

    Another son
    He and his wife had a second son. They would go on to name the kid Ramdas
  • Indian Ambulance Corp

    Indian Ambulance Corp
    He created the corporation during the Boer War. It was made to make sure not as many life’s were lost in the war.
  • Vow of Brahmcharya

    Vow of Brahmcharya
    Gandhi took this vow to become a monk. This was necessary to become a monk.
  • Salt march

    Gandhi leads the salt march to protest. He protested British rule in India.
  • Bare foot march

    Bare foot march
    He marcher all the way to Noakhali. This was all just to spread his message.
  • Death

    Gandhi got shot in the chest three times. His injury’s killed him later on.