Jan 1, 1543
Francis Drake is Born
Francis Drake is born on an unknown day this year. -
Period: Jan 1, 1543 to
Francis Drake's Lifespan
Jan 1, 1558
Death of Mary Tudor, Crowning of Elizabeth Tudor
Mary Tudor dies and King Philip's title as King of England lapses. Elizabeth Tudor is crowned at 25 years old. -
Oct 2, 1567
Drake sails to the New World
Francis Drake sails with John Hawkins to the New World, where the Spanish kill 500 Englishmen. Drake narrowly escapes on the ship "Judith". -
Jan 1, 1570
Francis Drake sets off for the West Indies
Jan 1, 1571
Francis Drake returns from the West Indies
Jan 1, 1572
Drake sets off for the West Indies again(to plunder treasure)
Jan 1, 1573
Francis Drake returns victorious with L20000 in riches
Period: Jan 1, 1577 to Jan 1, 1580
Francis Drake sails around the World
Francis Drake sails around the world for the first time. -
Jan 1, 1581
Francis Drake is knighted
Francis Drake is sent to attack Spanish settlements
Francis Drake dies of dysentery after failing his mission