Jan 1, 1480
Ferdinand is Born
Ferdinand was born in Sabrosa, Portugal. His parents, Rodrigo de Magalhães and Alda de Mesquita, whom are members of the Portuguese nobility. -
Jan 1, 1490
Ferdinand Becomes a Page
Ferdinand was made a page for Queen Leonor at the age of ten. He soon became interested in the sea exploration and the spice islands, which caused rivalry between Spain and Portugal to find a sea route. -
Jan 1, 1505
Ferdinand Joins a Portuguese Fleet
Ferdinand joins a Portuguese fleet sailing to East Africa in 1505. Later, in 1509, he fights in the Battle of Diu against the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Ragusa, for Portugal. This was a naval battle in the Arabian Sea near the port of Diu and resulted in a victory for the Portuguese. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ferdinand is Left With a Limp
Ferdinand serves in Morocco and fights in several small battles, until he is wounded and left with a limp for the remainder of his life. -
Jan 1, 1517
Ferdinand Relocates to Spain
After his petition for a voyage to the spice islands was denied by King Manuel of Portugal, Ferdinand decided to travel to Spain and continue his exploration under Spanish rule. -
Jan 1, 1518
Ferdinand Renders His Services
After relocating to Spain, Ferdinand offers to lead a voyage to the spice islands. King Charles I agrees hoping to become the richest country out of all others. -
Sep 20, 1519
Ferdinand Begins His Voyage
Ferdinand set out leading a fleet of five ships with numerous amounts of food and supplies that would not be sufficient enough for their entire journey. The ships carried two-hundred and seventy men on his crew. -
Oct 1, 1520
Ferdinand Passes Through the Strait of Magellan
In October of 1520, Ferdinand and his crew sail through the Strait of Magellan, which is just below the tip of South America. This took over a month to pass through. -
Mar 6, 1521
Ferdinand Anchors in Guam
Ferdinand and his crew sail across the Pacific Ocean. They then anchor in Guam on March 6, 1521. -
Mar 13, 1521
Ferdinand Reaches the Homonhom Island
Ferdinand and his crew reach the Homonhom Island on the edge of the Phillipines. It is part of the spice islands they have been trying to reach. They quickly befriend the island king, Rajah Humabon, and begin to trade. He shows Rajah his religion and Rajah agrees to accept it. -
Apr 27, 1521
Ferdinand is Killed
In April of 1521, a war arrises between Humabon and a rival island leader, Lapu-Lapu. The Spanish crew aid Humabon's side and Ferdinand is killed in battle on April 27, 1521. -
Apr 27, 1521
Ferdinand Tries to Force Religion on the Islanders
Ferdinand tries to force Christianity onto Lapu-Lapu and his people during the battle. This only makes the battle worse. -
Jun 1, 1521
The Remainder of the Crew Escapes
The remaining of Ferdinand's crew escape the islands. Juan Sebastian Del Cano leads the two ships that contain a forty-seven men crew. They leave the spice islands in December of 1521. -
Sep 8, 1522
The Crew Returns to Spain
The crew returns back to Spain with many valuable spices, but unfortunately only eighteen men of the original two-hundred thirty-seven. Ferdinand led but couldn't complete the first circumnavigation around the world. -
A Shrine is Built in Ferdinand's Honor
The Magellan Monument is created in 1866 by the Spanish colonial rulers of the Philippines. Ferdinand's name is printed in Portuguese on the side of the monument. He is recognized as the man who brought Christianity to the Philippines. The monument is supposedly built where the battle took place and where Ferdinand was killed.