The Life of Ethan Allen

  • Birthday

  • Parliament

    Parliament passes the Iron Act of 1750 ordering all colonial finishing plants to close and dropping taxes on pig iron to motivate colonists to produce raw iron for finishing in England.
  • The British

    The British
    The British capture Montreal Canada and the French surrender Detroit to the British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ends the French/Indian War. This gave Britain anything east of the Mississippi River (except New Orleans) and Florida.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    British enacts the Sugar act to raise money for England because of the war debt.
  • The start of the Green Moutain Boys

    The start of the Green Moutain Boys
    Ethan started this malitia, the GMB (Green Mountain Boys). The malita was started from disscussions with settlers at Catamount Tavern in Bennington Vermont. This malita was resonsible for the capture of Fort Ticonderoga.
  • Started studies

    Started studies
    Allen studied in Salisbury Vermont under a minister at the local school.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British enact the Stamp act requiring the purchase of stamps that go on all paper documents. This was enacted to raise money for England.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Parliament passes this act in which requires all colonists to provide shelter and food for British troops.
  • Townshed Acts

    Townshed Acts
    England passes yet another act requiring colonists to pay a tax on tea, glass, lead, oil, paper and paint.
  • Wanted Dead or Alive

    Wanted Dead or Alive
    NY Governor William Tyron gave a 100$ bounty for Allen's capture.
  • Started the Onion River Land Company

    Started the Onion River Land Company
    A company started to purchase land in and around the Winooski River.
  • Wrote a book

    Wrote a book
    Allen wrote Reason Only Oracle of Man and was published in 1785. He wrote this book with his freind Thomas Young it was about Natural Religon and Deism.
  • Britain strikes again!

    Britain strikes again!
    Britain passes the Tea Act now requiring colonists to pay a tax on tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was an act of protest against the Tea Act, by a group of colonists who dressed up as Native Americans and boarded the ships in the Boston Harbor. They then threw the tea on the ships into the water.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry
    Patrick Henry delivers his ''Give Me Liberty'' speech in St. John's Church in Richmond Virginia.
  • Captured Fort Ticonderoga

    Captured Fort Ticonderoga
    Allen and his malita took over the fort and took valuable artillery
    equipment including two cannons.
  • Battle of Longue Pointe

    Battle of Longue Pointe
    Allen suffered a deafeat in Montreal Canada giving up 16 casualties to the British and 31 of his men surrenderd.
  • Captured

    Ethan Allen was captured by the british was imprisoned in England for two years.
  • Died

    Shortly after Allen died his life long dream came true vermont became a state in 1791.
    <<< This is a picture of his monument in the Green Mount Cemmetery, Vermont.