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The Life of Chloe

  • Birth

    Upon birth, I weighed 8lbs 2oz. I was a healthy, happy, easy going baby, which continued to be my temperment thoughout my life. I asked my mom what my apgar scale was and she could not find it but she did remember it was good because my older sister's was not.
  • Becoming a Christian

    Becoming a Christian
    Religious Identity: At the young age of 4 1/2 I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. We were at a summer family camp and I was supposed to be in the children's service, but I did not want to leave my mom so I stayed in the big service with her and it changed the rest of my life. I went down to the alter and prayed that special prayer to ask Jesus to come into my heart. After that my mom encouraged me to tell people so that the devil wouldn't be able to steal my faith.
  • Kohlberg's Conventional moral reasoning

    In the first grade I cheated on a test, I knew the answer but happened to see it on someone else's page. I was so upset when I got home so I told my mom what happened she helped me firgure out what I needed to do. I went to the teacher the next day and apolgized. I realized on my own that I was wrong. This is when conventional moral reasoning for me kicked in. I choose to not cheat because my moral standing tells me it is wrong.
  • Family Structure change

    Family Structure change
    Family Structure does not equal family function! My cousin was bounced around from house to house growing up then he came to stay with us one summer. He decided he liked the way our family worked together (function) and asked if he could stay with us. I was 9 years old and all I had ever had were sisters so this new addition to our family was happily welcomed. Although Casey moving in changed our nuclear family it did not change our family function. This picture includes my two little cousins.
  • Menarche

    Although now we as women dread having a period, the first time was so exciting! My sister that was 2 years older than me started 24 hours before I did. I felt like I was getting so mature because I started my period in the 6th grade and my sister was in the 8th grade. Starting your period is a sign of maturity in which you were becoming a woman, which to me as a middle schooler was so cool!
  • Popular

    In the eighth grade I was voted to be a princess on the homecoming court. In middle school I was nice to everyone even though I only had a handful of friends I hung out with. As an 8th grader I felt so cool but I had not yet achieved my own Identity. I was however starting to find myself because I chose to stay a christian even though it wasn't the cool thing to do anymore. I started loosing friends because I chose not to party. (religious identity and postconventional moral reasoning)
  • Sexual Orientation and Intimacy

    Sexual Orientation and Intimacy
    This young man is Daniel (Boone) Davis. We started dating almost 4 years ago. As you can see I am attracted to the opposite sex. I can remeber being in kindergarten and liking boys. As far back as I can remember I have always been attracted to the opposite sex. Also this shows Erikson's Intimacy vs. Isolaton. We started dating at a young age, but because of this we found love and exclusivity early in life. This picture is of our first date where we accidently matched.
  • Religious Identity

    Religious Identity: I got baptized when I was about 7 but I did not really remember it so I chose to get baptized again at the age of 18. I felt like God was calling me to stand up for what I believe in. My religious identity is very important to me as a christian because we need to be open to sharing the gospel with non-believers so that they may find Christ's love through our own example of Him.
  • Valedictorian

    I am both intrinsicly and extrinscly movtivated. Intrinsicly: I need to make myself feel smart by making good grades and achieving my own goals for example I need good grades because I have a goal of becoming a nurse. Extrinscly: I make good grades because I want my parents to be proud of me and by becoming valedictorian everyone else can see that being smart is important and maybe I can inspire others as well. They can see that if I can do it, they know they can do it too.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Initiative vs. Guilt
    Coming to college was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my whole life. I have a very close family and this resulted in a very hard first few weeks. At first I was very homesick but I quickly adapted and now I feel as though I have purpose. I learned that I can do anything I put my mind to. This picture is of orientation where I met my sweet rommie.