68115807 vector illustration of butterfly life cycle

The Life-cycle of a Butterfly

  • Direct Instruction

    Direct Instruction
    Students will be able to use their individual iPads to scan a QR code off the smart board. They will be linked to "The Butterfly Life Cycle" by National Geographic where they will be able to view pictures and information on a Monarch Butterflies life cycle.
    *How does this remind you of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?
    * What are the four main stages of the life cycle?
    * What happens after the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis?
    * Why do they call it a chrysalis and not a cocoon?
  • Lesson Introduction

    Lesson Introduction
    To begin the lesson, I will display the TeacherTube video "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" on the smart board. The animated video will serve as an introduction to a butterflies' life cycle.
    Video Link: https://www.teachertube.com/videos/the-very-hungry-caterpillar-178046
  • Guided Practice

    Guided Practice
    Students will then access their Kidspiration app on their individual iPads. The teacher will walk the students through each step of:
    Selecting "Science"
    Creating a "Cycle Diagram"
    Since there are five steps included in the cycle diagram, teacher will demonstrate how to delete one link to take it down to the four steps needed for the project.
    The teacher will also demonstrate how students may record their own voice and discuss what is happening at each stage of the life cycle in their own words.
  • Independent Practice

    Independent Practice
    Students will continue to work on their Kidspiration mind maps individually. They will add in the final two steps of the life cycle (chrysalis and butterfly) and will add a voice-over to each stage of their life cycle. Students may access the National Geographic website from earlier to add more details to their mind map. High ability learners will be encouraged to add text to their mind map with details in addition to the voice over.
  • Wrap-Up

    To finish the lesson, the teacher will pick one student to present their finished mind map on the smart board. The student may talk about the different stages of the life cycle in addition to playing the audio that they added to their mind map. After the class has viewed one together, they will divide into partners and pair-share their own individual maps.