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Heart of a Dog: the Experiment Diary of Professor Vasily Preobrazhensky

By yin1999
  • The day before the operation

    The experimental dog Sharik
    Age: About 2
    Gender: Male
    Nutritional Status: malnourished before adoption and very fat a week later
    weights 8kg.
  • Operation Day

    Remove the testicles of Sharik and transplant the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles of a 28 year-old man who died four hours ago.
    Remove the pituitary gland of Sharik and transplanted from the man.
  • Physical changes

    Sharik begins to lose its hair and its temperature is normal
    The first groaning sound appeared at 8:15 p.m
  • Physical changes

    The whole body appeared depilation symptom, because the skeleton grows extremely fast, the body weight reaches 30kg
  • Talk for the first time

    Sharik repeated a word aloud in the morning, laughed suddenly in the afternoon, and called that word eight times in a row in the evening.
    The word is the "General Administration of fisheries" in reverse.
  • Physical changes

    Sharik's tail fell off and it said "beer shop" very clearly.
  • Physical changes

    Sharik can stand steady on its hind legs and start swearing.
  • Amazing discovery

    Sharik can understand and talk to people!
  • The end of Sharik's medical history

    Sharik's appearance has been completely shaped:
    Its body structure is exactly the same as human beings
    Weighs about 50kg
    Short stature
    Small head
    Starts smoking
    Eats human food
    Be able to dress itself
    Be able to talk fluently
    *Pituitary transplantation has such a magical effect!