
The Industrial Revolution

  • 1500


    In 1500 farm owners began to build stone and wooden fences. When These fences were built farmers became ore professional with the work. Pheasants either had to seek other work or were hired labour. this create a big rush of people moving moving to the cities
  • Seed Drill

    Seed Drill
    In 1700 Jethro Tull was a horse drawn cart that that dropped seeds as it was pulled. This was to replace the more expensive and less affective human labour
  • Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace
    In 1709 Abraham Darby developed a blast furnace that was able to create high quality iron
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    In 1712 Thomas Newcomen invents the first atmospheric Engine better known as a steam engine
  • Textiles

    The invention of newer and larger spinning and weaving machines shifted the industries into factories
  • Turnip Townshend

    Turnip Townshend
    Charles Townshend invented an improved farming system called the four crop rotation system which is where wheat, barley, clovers and turnips. They were rotated in an order that let the soil replenish its nitrogen level that are key to growing barley and wheat
  • Rotherham Plough

    Rotherham Plough
    In 1730 Joseph Foljmabe designed, built and patented as the Rotherham Plough. This new plough had a light and more efficient iron plate
  • Newer steam engine

    Newer steam engine
    James Watt develops a newer steam engine capable of of providing continuous power
  • Puddling

    In 1783 Henry Cort created a process called puddling that further improved the quality of iron products
  • Utopia

    Robert Owen had an idea that happy people are more productive. He made a factory complex that supplied houses and schools for his workers
  • Gas lights

    William Murdoch in 1790s he invented gas lights. This invention made it possible for factories to make their worker work longer shifts and essentially work all night
  • Luddites

    They were a group that Despised of machines and under the cover of darkness would break down factory door and break and burn them
  • Puffing Billy

    Puffing Billy
    The first ever functioning steam locomotive known as puffing billy was built. This was developed by George Stephensons in 1813
  • Unionism

    In 1820 unions began to emerge to try and protect the rights and well fair of workers around Britain.
  • Peoples Charter

    The peoples charter was introduced to protect the welfare of factory workers. with thousand of factories and only 4 charter not much really happened
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse developed the single wire telegraph
  • Up Rising

    Up Rising
    In 1842 500,000 factory workers went on strike. Hundreds were arrested and executed.
  • Telephone

    In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patents or copyrights the first Telephone
  • Smog

    The Great London Smog blanketed the city of London for 5 days. Around 12,000 people died and 150,000 were hospitalised and thousands of animals died too.
  • Clean Air Act

    Clean Air Act
    In 1956 the English government in reaction to the Great London Smog introduced the Clean Air Act. The act introduced measures to reduce production of toxic fumes from factories