The First productive steam engine
The Steam Engine created by Thomas Savery was very significant. It was first created in Great Britain and then spread around the world. This drove the creation of mills and factories which would create things that were at the time being created by hand. The steam engine also for its main reason was very efficiant carrying heavy loads of goods over far distances. -
The Spinning Jenny
The Spinning Jenny created by James Hargreaves was very significant as it could create clothing and make any cotton item very efficiently and faster than it could before the spinning jenny was made. it used eight spindles which the thread was spun on this means by turning one wheel the operator could now spin eight threads at a time. -
Power Loom
The Power Loom created by Edmund Cartwright vitally helped weaving in the industrial revolution. -
Cotton Gin
The Cotton Gin in 1793 made by Eli Whitney sped up the rate of removing seeds from cotton fibre. -
The Telegraph
The telegraph in 1837 by Samuel Morse helped communication before the telephone so much easier. -
Method For Steel is Created
Steel made by Henry Bessemer was very vital to the industrial revolution as it helped build revolutionary things. -
First Vaccine for disease
Vaccines were very vital in the industrial revolution as there were no vaccines back then and people would mostly die if they got a disease. -
The Telephone
The Telephone made in 1876 by Alexander graham Bell was very significant as with this invention you could communicate with far relatives that you may not see very often. This invention also benefited business as people could now spread their business worldwide and different businesses could associate with each other just by a phone call. -
The invention of dynamite was created by Alfred Noble. Other than how it benefited the world, Alfred Noble Formed the Noble Peace prize, after his invention it really blew up in marketing and he made millions from it. From this Alfred donated this money all around the world to a vast amount of things, From this the Nobel prize was made and is still used today. But dynamite only really helped the construction industry and the warfare side of things. -
The Light Bulb
The light bulb created by Thomas Edison was very significant as this could make portable light and making light a whole lot safer instead of having fire which could potentially set a flammable object a light and put a whole house up in flames. In 1879 when it was made this would have vitally benefited life in general for families as they wouldn't have to be carrying round candles everywhere that don't even make much light.