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The Industrial Revolution by Silvia Escaño 4ºE

  • Iron became cheaper

  • Steam Engine

    By Newcomen
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution.

  • Improving roads.

    New roads were built and old roads were repaired.
  • Period: to

    The First Industrial Revolution

  • Steam-powered vehicle

    By Cugnot
  • The Wealth of Nations

    Liberalism was based on the theories on this book.
  • Steamboat

    By d'Abbans
  • Discovering the vaccine against smallpox

    Discovering the vaccine against smallpox
    Was discovered by Edward Jenner
  • Life expectancy at birth grew in Europe

  • Launch of the first line of commercial steamboats.

  • Period: to


  • Construction of a steam-powered locomotive

    By Geroge Stephenson
  • First public transport railway line.

  • Socialist parties were developed

  • Right of assembly

    The right of assembly was granted in Great Britain.
  • Period: to


    Between this years, this movement had millions of supporters
  • Communist manifest

    Published by Marx and Friederich Engels.
  • First oil wells were drilled

  • International Workingmen's Association (IWA)

  • Period: to

    Meiji period

  • International economy grew rapidly

  • Birth rate remained high until the 1870s

  • Period: to

    The Second Industrial Revolution

  • Socialist International (or Second International)

  • Period: to

    Trade unions