The Industrial Revolution.

  • Start of the Industrial Revolution

  • James Watt Improves Steam Engine Design

    James Watt Improves Steam Engine Design
    In 1776 James Watt improved the design of a steam engine from 64 years prior. This improved the efficency of steam engine powered machines during the industrail revolution.
  • Malthus

    Predicted correctly that the world population would double every 25 or so years if unchecked.
  • charles darwin-evolution

    charles darwin-evolution
    Charles darwin finds the proof of evolution. and comes up with the term "survival of the fittest" which leads to big companies trying to live by his term and topple the smaller ones in any way possible.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl marx is a stout marxist and thinker for political ideas like socialism and communism, making the backbone of the first communist and socialist thinkers and ideas.
  • communism&socialism

    The idea of communism and socialism is to form a free and equal society with government assistince to life and working for your wages.
  • Karl Marx writes the manifesto

    Karl Marx writes the manifesto
    karl marx writes the communist manifesto, a preface to communist teachings that introduces the working class with all the ideas they need for a better society for the workers and not the middle/upper class bourgeoisie.
  • Alfred Nobel Invents dynamite

    Alfred Nobel invents the new, safer, stronger explosive. DYNAMITE!. it can be handled safer and do its job correctly compared to Black Powder.
  • thomas eddison invents lightbulb

    thomas eddison invents lightbulb
  • Mutual aid societies

    mutual aid societies are introduced, they belive in equal societies that hold one another responsible for helping the other members through things.