Thomas Newcomen invents the first Steam Engine
Although Newcomen did not invent the first steam engine, his design was the first practical model. His idea was to assist with lifting water and dirt out of tin mines.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Thomas-Newcomen -
Period: to
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period between 1710 and 1915. It was an increase in production of goods and services brought by the invention of new machines and the use of a new energy source, coal. -
John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle
The flying shuttle was patented by John Kay and played a major role in increasing the productivity of weaving. It allowed a single weaver to make much wider pieces and could be mechanized to reduce costs.
http://gasconadecountyhistoricalsociety.com/res/files/1/History%20of%20the%20Flying%20shuttle.pdf -
James Hargreaves invents the Spinny Jenny
The Spinning Jenny revolutionised the production of clothing. It allowed two balls of yarn to be spun at the same time. This allowed for productivity to greatly increase.
https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item107855.html -
British Parliament makes it illegal for workers to create Unions
British parliament made it illegal for workers to gather together and perform any union activities e.g. strikes, rallies. This meant that workers did not get a say in their working conditions.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_trade_unions_in_the_United_Kingdom -
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Migration to cities increased
Prior to the Industrial Revolution 80% of people lived in rural communities. By 1850 this statistic had reversed with over 80% living in cities and major town. This was because the cities provided work due to factories being more popular because they allowed increased productivity. -
Decision against trade unions is reversed
British Congress ruled that trade unions were legal due to extreme conditions in many work places. Freedom of speech was finally given to the working class.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_trade_unions_in_the_United_Kingdom -
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
The telegraph allowed for fast communication via a wire. Samuel Morse famously transmitted his famous message "What hath God wrought?" in 1844 on the first ever electrical telegraph.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Samuel-F-B-Morse -
Elisha Otis invents the Elevator Safety Break
Elisha Otis invented the elevator safety break. Before this time, elevators were extremely dangerous. His invention revolutionised the building of towers and skyscrapers.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisha_Otis -
Thomas Edison creates the first economical light bulb
Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb but was the first scientist to create an economical version of what previous scientists had researched.
https://www.biography.com/inventor/thomas-edison -
Wright Brothers accomplish the first powered areoplane flight
Many people had accomplished plane flights before, but they were always wind powered. The Wright brothers did not in fact invent the powered areoplane but introduced a new craft which allowed weight to be evenly distributed in the craft and to have a stronger base. Therefore, the title was given to them as their flight was the most significant and the basis for areoplanes that we use today.
https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/wright-brothers -
Henry Ford creates the first assembly line for Model T Cars
Henry Ford did not invent the car, nor did he come up with the idea of assembly lines. However, he reduced the cost of building Model T car, which opened up the market for the middle class. He provided cars not only to the upper class but made them affordable, by use of the assembly line, to almost everyone.