
The Industrial Revolution

  • Jethro Tull's Seed Drill

    Jethro Tull's Seed Drill
    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill. The invention would dig a small hole, drop a seed in that hole and then cover it up in the same 1 motion. This invention increased productivity by 500%
  • High - Quality Blast Furnace

    High - Quality Blast Furnace
    Abraham Darby developed a blast-furnace capable of producing high-quality iron.
  • The 'Atmospheric Engine'

    The 'Atmospheric Engine'
    Thomas Newcomen developed the 'atmospheric engine'. It was classed as the first practical steam engine.
  • Rotherham Plough

    Rotherham Plough
    The Rotherham Plough made work on the farm lighter and easier to do.
  • The Sankey Canal

    The Sankey Canal
    The Sankey Canal is opened in the year 1757.
  • The Bridgewater Canal

    The Bridgewater Canal
    The Bridgewater Canal is opened in the year 1761.
  • Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War
    Victory in the seven years' war gives Britain increased trade access to colonies in India and North America.
  • James Watt Steam Engine

    James Watt Steam Engine
    James what invented a steam engine which was capable of providing continuous power.
  • 'Puddling' Process

    'Puddling' Process
    Henry Cort's 'puddling' process further improves the quality of iron products.
  • US Born

    The United States is born when the American colonies gain their independence.
  • Boulton And Watt

    Boulton And Watt
    The Boulton and Watt steam engine is used for the first time in a textiles factory.
  • Combination Act

    Combination Act
    The combination act was passed in the year 1800 that made trade unionism illegal.
  • Stephenson's Rocket

    Stephenson's Rocket
    Stephenson's Rocket hauls the first train on the Manchester to Liverpool railway line.
  • Factory Act

    Factory Act
    The factory act was passed in the year 1833. The factory act meant that children under 8 were not allowed to work, children from 9-13 had 9 hour days, children 13-18 were to work no more than 12 hours a day and children were not to work at night. The only problem was, there were only 4 people to check on the factories.
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    Samuel Morse developed the telegraph system for sending messages.
  • The Potato Blight

    The Potato Blight
    The potato blight in Ireland causes widespread famine which lead to mass emigration.