Second industrial revolution gettyimages 51632462

the industrial revolution

  • The spinning jenny

    The spinning jenny
    was invented by James Hargreaves for working women at home to spin thread instead of going elsewhere to do so.
  • (Watt) Steam Engine

    (Watt) Steam Engine
    was invented in 1776 by James watt's. James's steam engine was more effective than previous. steam engines use use steam from boiled water as its propellant, Coal or often wood was used to boil the water
  • Power loom

    Power loom
    The power loom was Invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1785 and would be refined for the next 47 years until it was completely automatic. The power loom made it easier to produce textiles and clothes By automatically threading.
  • Cotton Gin

     Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, turned cotton into thread by pulling the loose lint off and passing the rest through thin wires,
  • Locomotive

    the locomotive was as invented in February 1804 by British inventor Richard trevithick as a long distance form of transportation and then led to the urbanization of many places.
  • Steamboat

    the Steamboat was Invented in 1807 by Robert Fulton. Was a ship powered by stem often in the form of paddle boats used to go up river in a canal
  • Photograph/Camera

    the Photograph/Camera was invented in 1816 by Joseph Niepce, burned the image captured through the lens onto paper
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    The sewing machine was Invented in 1829 by Barthelemy thimonnier, it made stitching fabric easier by threading the needle through fabric at set intervals.
  • Telegraph

    the Telegraph was invented in the 1830s by Samuel Morse and was one of the first forms of quick long distance communication.
  • Dynamite

    Dynamite was invented in 1867 by Alfred Nobel, it was an explosive used for mining. Used often when making the intercontinental railroad.
  • Telephone

    The telephone was patented in 1876 by Alexander graham bell and was a form of long distance communication transmitted across lines.
  • Automobile

    the Automobile was invented by Karl Benz in the 1880s and was a personal form of individual travel across shorter distances than a train would, normally.