My health goals
My health goal is to start working out because I eat healthy and take good care of my body but I don't really ever work out to make myself stronger and more fit because "a fit body is a healthy body" (page 7). I also want to get more sleep because I always wake up feeling groggy and tired. It's always important to get "a good night's sleep" (page 9) because it affects the way you feel in the morning. -
My brothers health goals
My brother wants to lose weight because when football season ends he doesn't do anything but lay around. He wants to start eating healthier and working out more. He has started to eat more fruits and vegetables and stopped eating so much junk food because he learned the “fundamentals of safe/ good eating habits" (page 9). He has also been going outside and running and doing simple workouts like push ups which are “good forms of exercise" (page 9). He has lost 1 pound in 2 weeks so far.