The Impendence

  • The independence

    The independence
    the fight to end Spanish rule over Mexico
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    Josefa Ortiz de Domíngues advises that they were discovered.
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    That night, Ignacio Allende intercepts the arrest warrant and goes to Dolores, where Miguel Hidalgo decides to take up arms.
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    The priest Miguel Hidalgo calls a mass at dawn, since it was Sunday. Instead of offering Sunday service, he invites you to join the fight against bad government. There the fight for independence began to take shape.
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    Clashes take place between the Spanish army and the insurgent movement. The latter are defeated in several clashes, so the leaders flee north. For his part, José María Morelos continues to fight in the south.
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    Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende are captured by Ignacio Elizondo in Las Norias. They go to an ecclesiastical trial.
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    The insurgent movement rises up with the support of General Francisco Xavier Mina and Servando Teresa de Mier.
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    Vicente Guerrero continues to fight. The insurgent battle continues in the south.
  • Final

    With the triumphant entry of the Trigarante army, it is given by finished this fight proclaiming independence
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    turbide writes to Vicente Guerrero to invite him to surrender and offer him a pardon, as both seek independence.
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    However, it was until 1836 after several attempts at reconquest, that Spain recognized the absolute independence of Mexico.