Jan 1, 1307
Knights Templars were arrested and tortured
Knights Templars were arrested and tortured to confess to crimes that may or may not have been true due to secret meetings in the society that were kept very confidential. Many were burned at the stake after long tortures and prison sentences. Also Clement V was responsible for ending the Templars at the council of Vienne in 1312. -
Jan 1, 1309
Papacy Moved to Avignon
1309 Avignon Papacy. Chair of the Pope moved from Rome to Avignon, also called the “Babylonian captivity” of the Popes by protestants, specifically Martin Luther. This continued for seven popes before it was moved back to Rome in 1378. -
Jan 1, 1330
The Black Death
The black plague was a major epidemic that spread through Eurppe. The devastating effects caused a decline in the church, an increase in sinfullness, and a morbid preoccupation with death. The plague was a major cause to the Renaissance as people were looking for a "rebirth". -
Jan 1, 1350
Beginning of the Renaissance Era
The Renaissance was a culteral rebith of the traditional Greek humanisitc ideas and culture. As people began to believe in their own individuality, they began to question the Church and its power. The Church during this time had many successes and failures as itspolitical power slowly declined. -
Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1576
The Renaissance and the Church
The Renaissance was a culteral rebith of the traditional Greek humanisitc ideas and culture. As people began to believe in their own individuality, they began to question the Church and its power. The Church during this time had many successes and failures as itspolitical power slowly declined. -
Jan 1, 1378
Papacy returns to Rome
Thanks to St. Catharine of Siena, the Pop was convinced to move back to Rome -
Jan 1, 1378
Papal Schism
Time of church referred to as “Papal Schism” or “The Second Great Schism” by some protestant reformers. Parties in the Church were divided in their allegiances among the various claimants to the office of Pope. Italians pressed for an Italian Pope (1378) and one was elected, Pope urban VI. Later another Pope was elected, Pope Clement VII. In 1409 the Council of Pisa was convened to try and resolve the issues, but a third Pope was elected, Pope Alexander V, who was soon followed by Pope John XXII -
Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Jan 1, 1414
Papal Schism
(see events for more info) -
Jan 1, 1417
End of Papal Schism
The Council of Constance (1414) resolved the controversy by dismantling the last vestiges of the Avignon papacy therefore bringing an end to the schism in 1417. The Council of Constance desposed of John XXIII and Benedict XIII resignation of Gregory XII, and elected Martin V, ending the schism. -
Jan 1, 1418
Church Condemns Heretics
Pope Martin V condemns John Wycliffe and Jan Hus who are burned at the stake.
Both men were encouraged by the Renaissance to return to practices of the Early Church. Wycliffe argued that scripture was more important than tradition. Hus called for a return to poverty and simplicity represented in the Early Church. -
Jan 1, 1423
Council of Siena
An unsuccessful effort of the Church at clarification of Church policy and reform. Called by Martin V. -
May 11, 1431
Joan of Arc
Saint Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake by the British. She won the Hundred Years War for the French through her military leadership.She never gave up and firmly proclaimed her dedication to Jesus.
Joan of Ark Biography -
May 11, 1452
Leonardo Davinci is born
Da vinci was a main figure of the Renaissance, impacting the era through art, science, and education. He is known as the "Renaissance Man" because he was so well-rounded and humanistic. -
Apr 6, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
AFter a siege, the Byzantine Empire had captured Constantinople. Christianity took a huge blow with the end of the Roman Empire -
Jan 1, 1455
The first book is printed
Johannes Guttenburg prints the first book-the Bile-in the vernacular. -
May 11, 1464
Death of Cosmo de Medici
Medici Family Timeline The Medici Family was a powerful and influential family during the Renaissance era. The death of cosmo marks the steady decline of Medici power. -
May 11, 1475
Birth of Michalangelo
Michaelangelo was a famous poet, sculptor, and painter of the Renaissnace. -
Jan 1, 1478
Spanish Inquisition
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain began to enforce Christianity in Spain and other nations. They wanted to rid Spain of all non-christians. This was a dark and dangerous period of the Church It lasted about 35o years. -
May 11, 1492
Columbus discovered America
The discovery of American is a catalyst for a huge spread and growth of Christianity. -
Oct 31, 1517
Beginning of Protestant Reformation
People began to try to reform the Churchs-indulgences, corruption, key doctrines were key frustrations of the time. These people began to seperate from the church as they began to find that reformation from within was unlikely. Martin Luther is credited with sparking the protestant reformation when he nailed his 95 Theses on the door of a church in Wittenburg, Germany. -
Jan 1, 1533
King Henry VIII breaks from the Church
When the pope declined Henry's annulment, Henry created his own Church of England and declared himself the head of it. This was the only Protestant faith that broke from the church due to political disagreement. -
Period: Jan 1, 1545 to Jan 1, 1563
The Council of Trent
The council of Trent was a series of Ecumenical councils that met in Germany. Its purpose was to clear Church corruption and clarify Church teachings. It marked the definite separation between Protestants and Catholics. -
Jan 1, 1564
Birth of Galileo
Galileo was a scientist who opposed the geocentric theory. His condemnation from the Church shows the Church's panic with the growth of science.