Enzo rizzo

The Immigration Story of Enzo Rizzo

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    Immigration Timeline

  • Coming to America: Part 1

    Coming to America: Part 1
    I loved cars back in Italy. Once i arrived in America, I immediatley joined a car manufacturing company. I came to America for many reasons. The poverty back in Italy was very extereme. I was not raised in a rich family nor a very poor one. I was pulled to America because the excitment and adventure was something that I craved. My friend showed me a flyer, announcing that there was free land in America. This caught my attention. My mother died when I was 9. My father left to somewhere talk about
  • Coming to America: Part 3

    I loved Cars back in Italy and always wanted to submit an idea of a new car. I never thought that I would ever be able to do it but going to AMerica seemed like a perfect opportunity.
  • * Coming to America: Part 2

    As soon as I could, I joined a voyage to America across water. Another reason why I left Italy was becasue of the low wages. I was tired of getting paid poorlly for the hard work on the farms I had been doing. I figured that if i went to America, I would be able to earn more money. Being on a farm taught me a lot. I thought that when I settled down in Oklahoma, I would take up the profession of ranching. Another reason why I came was being of the number of inventions that were being created.
  • * Predjudice Encounter

    * Predjudice Encounter
    As a result of being Italian, mostly all of my co-workers insulted me and disrespected me because of my race. I had an idea for a new car. I had worked very hard designing the many different parts and constructing an almost perfect outline. Once I presented the idea to my very American boss, it was rejected because I was Italian. He said," I wouldn't imagine spending money for someone like your kind.". I was very angry but hid it from him. I didn't want to lose my job.
  • * Anna Morreti

    * Anna Morreti
    As a result of working in downtown New York, I had the opprtunity of meeting many new people. All were different heights and ages. As I was working in the factories, I met a beautiful Italian woman. Her name was Anna Morreti. She was a hard worker and was very capable of hard tasks.
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    After about one year of dating. Me and Anna were soon to get married. I was very excited and got very anxious before the wedding. I had barely enough money to buy a fairly pretty ring from a local jewelry vendor in New York. We held the wedding in a church in Northern New York. I can definately say that that day was one of the most important days of my life.
  • Rico

    I traveled to Pennsylvania in search for a trustworthy horse that was capable of bringing me to Oklahoma. Most of the horses were old and cheap. Fortunately, i had barely enough money to afford a muscular, jet black horse. I later named him Rico. After about two years of hard working for money and lots of training Rico, me and my new wife would be ready to embark on the journey to Oklahoma.
  • The Expedition to Oklahoma

    When me and my wife finally had enough money, we left for Oklahoma. We really didn't want to travel alone. Which knew the many dangers there were of traveling alone. There were many groups that took people to Oklahoma. I figured that becasue I wanted to be a rancher in Oklahoma, i might get a chance to meet some of the other ranchers. My wife didn't care as long as we got there safely. The led to the decision to travel with the ranchers to Oklahoma.
  • * The Thief

    * The Thief
    It was late at night and Anna was asleep in the very small tent that we brouht along on the journey. I heard a strange ruffling sound near our tent. I was very curious and stepped outside. I then came face to face with a man who was attempting to steal our supplies. I was to groggy and tired to see clearly who it was but I could see the outline of a very tall, stocky man. I shouted at him and chased him until he fled, leaving what he had stolen behind. He had dropped my 1900 winchester rifle.
  • * My New Home: Part 1

    * My New Home: Part 1
    As a result of all of my effort in the race for land in Oklahoma, me and my wife were able to find and get settled on a perfect peace of land. Not knowing what I was going to use the land for. I decided to be a rancher. This was because livestock was very important at this time and I figured I would make a good profit. Me and my wife settled, had kids, and prospered in our piece of free land. This was all possible because of the Homestead Act.
  • My New Home: Part 2

    The Homestead Act was a great advantage for Me and Anna. Without it, we wouldn't have been given 160 acres of free land. I was very lucky that I came to America at this time. All of my dreams had come true.