The Hunger Games Plot Timeline

  • Rising Action

    Prim get chosen to be a tribute
  • Katniss volunteers

    Katniss volunteers and takes Prim spot as a tribute
  • Peeta gets chosen as a tribute

  • They present the tributes

    Katniss and Peeta outfits light on fire and from their Katniss is labeled the girl on fire
  • Peeta declares his love for Katniss

  • Katniss shoots an arrow at the people from the capitol

  • The day of the Hunger Games

  • Peeta joins the career tributes

  • Rue helps Katniss escape the career tributes

  • Rue dies

  • Katniss finds Peeta and teams up with him

  • Climax; Cato, Katniss, and Peeta are left standing and get chased by wolves.

    Cato uses Peeta as leverage but Katniss shoots Cato and gets eaten by wolves and dies
  • Peeta and Katniss are the last tributes standing

  • Falling Action

    Katniss and Peeta threaten to commit suicide if the rules are not modified so they both survive
  • Katniss and Peeta return to District 12

  • Katniss now has to decide between Peeta or Gale

  • Ending

    Katniss and Peeta fake for the last time for the capitol since that was their condition for making them choose two winners