The Hunger Games

  • Day 0 - Reaping day

    The reaping day is the day each district has to find two contestants for the yearly contest, "The Hunger Games". Katniss is the main person, and sadly her sister, Prim, gets picked out. To save her sister Katniss voulenteers, and takes th place of Prim. The boy getting chosen is Peeta Mellark.
  • Day 1 - Opening ceremony

    They arrive at The Capitol. The opening ceremonies happens at once. The underdogs from "District 12" astonish the people of The Capitol because of their outstanding clothes at the ceremonies.
  • Day 2/3 - Training

    They get three days to train with the other contestants. Here Katniss and Peeta eye out people they can collaborate with, and discover new ways of survival.
  • Day 4 - Private sessions

    The third and last day of training. At the end of the day each contestant have a private session in front of the gamemakers. Later they get graded for their sessions on TV.
  • Day 5/6 - Televised interviews

    They practice for the interviews so that they can earn as much sponsors and acknowledgement from the audience.Televised interviews are happening on the 6th day. The two contestans from district 12 start their act of love for each other. This way they can get more sponsors, but is it an act?
  • Day 7/8/9 - The Hunger Games

    The games starts. Katniss survives at her own, while Peeta is working with the "career tributes" (have practiced all life for this). Katniss needs water, but can not find it. On the third day at the arena she finally finds some, and settles in close by. Her night gets interrupted when a fire suddenly starts during the night.
  • Day 10/11 - Meets with Rue

    Katniss manages to heal herself after the burns from the day before. However while relaxing she faces the group of Peeta and the "career tributes". To escape them she climbs a tree, everything seems to be going aganist her as the other alliance camps beneath the tree she climbed. In the tree she meets with Rue. Rue finds a way to get rid the alliance by dropping a nest of "tracker jackers" on the sleeping ones. As she leaves the tree she manages to get a bow and arrows.
  • Day 12/13/14 - A new alliance

    As a follower of the tracker jackets which stung Katniss she stays unconscious for a day. When she wakes up Rue has taken care of her and her wounds. After this they have a alliance together. They quikly discover where the careers tributes have their food and destroys it.
  • Day 15 - No more alliance

    The sad happening of a death of a twelve year old. Katniss kills one of the career tributes, but Rue gets killed.
  • Day 16/17/18 - Katniss and Peeta

    On day 16 the gamemakers make the decide that it is allowed with two winners if they are from the same district. This makes Katniss look for Peeta, and after following a blood trail she finally find him. Sadly Peeta has been wounded and quickly developes some kind of sickness, Katniss does everything she can to treat him. At the end of the day they learn of a feast which will be the day after, here they can find what they need the most.
  • Day19/20 - The feast

    Katniss goes to the feast in hope of finding something she can cure Peeta's illness with. Here she meets up with several of the survivors, and almost gets herself killed. The medicine is working, and they spend the next day inside the cave as a rainstorm hits the map.
  • Day 21 - The romance

    Since the first day off there had been a little fling, but to catch the eyes of the watchers Katniss and Peeta fires up their relationship and romance fills the air. Due to more sponsors they get rewarded with a large meal from Haymitch.
  • Day 22/23 - No more water

    Peeta gets totally healed and is now ready to leave for an excursion. They start looking for things to eat, and come over a bunch of berries. Peeta grabs them along, (not knowing they were poisonous). Another contestant sees Peeta grab them and starts eating them, dying instantly. Peeta and Katniss still chooses to keep the berries. During the day the water had dryed out forcing Katniss and Peeta to move. They now hide in the Cornucopia which is where the game started.
  • Day 24 - The end

    As the contestants got fewer, there were only three left where Katniss and Peeta wher etwo of these. They managed to kill the last tribute, Cato (with some help from crazy "animals"). They win the games, but suddenly the rules are changed back, only one winner. They force teh game makers to make a descicion when both threatens to eat the poisonous berrys at the same time, this waay there would be no winner.
  • Day x - The reunion

    Aftetr the games Katniss is tranqulized and sleeps for several days. When she wakes up the fake romance between Peeta and her is forced upon her, and she now has to pretend for the rest of her life. The Victory Banquet takes place.
  • Day x2/3 - Is the love real?

    They have their final interviews, and leave for home. The fake love is not as fake for Peeta as Katniss thought. This makes things complicated between the two winners