The Holocaust

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed chancellor under the weimer constitution. This is what gives him more power aiding him and his intentions.
  • The outcast

    The outcast
    The Nazi party started to label multiple jewish stores and places of work. They would put signs up telling German citizens to not shop at the Jewish establishments.
  • The Nuremburg Laws

    The Nuremburg Laws
    The Anti-Semitic laws were passed in September of 1935 these laws heavily restricted the abilities of Jews in society. This law also revoked their citizenship. Also restricted Jew and non-Jew marriage.
  • The Science of Race

    The Science of Race
    Hitler's seize of power came with many changes in the education system . He taught and idea of his called the science of race in which he split up certain races into superior and inferior categories. This was to "educate" the men that they were part of a higher race than all the other minorities.
  • Night of the broken glass

    Night of the broken glass
    Many Nazi party members were sent out and carried out many anti-jew acts. The nazis burned down churches, smashed windows of jewish owned shops.
  • Refuge

    Many Jews fled to the police stations to go obtain an exit visa so they could leave Germany. Many attempting to seek refuge in the surrounding countries. Little did they know that the nazi party would come and start raining terror in the area.
  • The "Enemies"

    The "Enemies"
    When Hitler was in power he made it known that there were many "Enemies" of the state. These people were homosexuals, Jehovah's witnesses, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, and Jewish believers.
  • The Liberation

    The Liberation
    1945 was the year the party ceased operations, hitler committed suicide, and many members of the nazi party were put on trial for their horrid actions. This was also known as the nuremburg trials.