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The Holocaust

  • The start of the Nazi party in Germany

    The start of the Nazi party in Germany
    The political party, Nazi, took effect when the Great Depression in Germany hit promoting mass movements known as National Socialism but was unpopular and people rarely took notice until Hitler came to power.
  • Failure of the Beer Hall Putsch takeover

    Failure of the Beer Hall Putsch takeover
    After a growth and strong morale onto the Nazi party, they attempted to take control of the Bavarian state government hoping for a result in a rebellion against the Weimar Republic. The rebellion was a failure causing the Nazi party to be temporarily banned and thrown Hitler in prison throughout 1924.
  • Hitler's "Mein Kampf" book

    Hitler's "Mein Kampf" book
    This books describes his struggles hints the name my struggle in German, of his life and describing his obsessions, extreme nationalism, racism, and
    anti-Semitism. People started agreeing with his book once released from prison a few months later and got popularity among the Germans.
  • The Start of the Holocaust

    The Start of the Holocaust
    They blamed Jews for the lost of WWI and for later more destruction to Germany also labelling them as a race rather than a religion. This made them seem as a threat so German soldiers and Nazi members sent them to concentration camps to kill them all off.
  • Hitler and the Nazis rise of power

    Hitler and the Nazis rise of power
    The day Hitler was appointed as Germany's new chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg death it allowed him to sponsor and bring fame to the Nazi party while destroying other political parities in the process.
  • Germany and WW2

    Germany and WW2
    Hitler plans on taking Poland is the breaking point of a long hatred causing Great Britain and France to intervene and start a war on
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    Surrounded by Russia and them in a bunker instead of running and most likely being caught he decided to end himself with him and his wife both committing suicide.
  • The end of the Holocaust

    The end of the Holocaust
    The allied forces take action and over multiple Concentration camps sending them free and capturing multiple soldiers conducting these.