The Holocaust

By kd.bff
  • The Takeover

    The Takeover
    The Nazi party takes power in Germany. Adolf Hitler becomes prime minister.
  • Law Jobs

    Law Jobs
    Jewish people were not allowed to be lawyers or judges.
  • Newspaper Editing

    Newspaper Editing
    Jews could not be newspaper editors.
  • Hitler

    Hitler combines the positions of chancellor and president to become "fuhrer" or leader of Germany.
  • Military

    Jews could not be in the military.
  • Careers

    Jews could not be teachers or work at universities.
  • Registration

    Jews must register all wealth and property.
  • Careers

    Jews could not be doctors.
  • Names

    All Jewish women must add Sarah to their name and men must add Israel to their name.
  • Curfew

    Jews were not allowed outside after 8 p.m.
  • Possesion of Radios

    Possesion of Radios
    Jews were not allowed to own their own radios considering it was the only type of electronic for entertainment.
  • Jewelry

    Jews were demanded to give away all possession of gold and silver items.
  • Sent to Concentration Camps

    Sent to Concentration Camps
    Many Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses and homosexuals were sent to concentration camps.
  • Poland

    Nazis begin deporting German Jews to Poland.