The Holocaust

  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed chancellor by Paul von Hindenburg. and soon after, spoke with the German Parliament for the first time. Also at this meeting, the Enabling Act was passed.
  • The Enabling Act is passed

    The Enabling Act is passed
    The Enabling Act gave Hitler the power to rule with emergency decree.
  • Hitler starts boycott

    Hitler starts boycott
    The Nazis put signs up on the windows of Jewish shops that encouraged the Germans not to shop there. They did this hoping to start a boycott against the Jews. But, Germans continued shopping at Jewish shops, and the boycott was called off.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws refused German citizenship to Jews and other people with German or kindred blood. They also said that Jews could not marry anyone else except Jews.
  • Nazis Join Forces With Austria

    Nazis Join Forces With Austria
    Nazi Germany decided to include Austria into their reign, and they spread the Holocaust to the Jews in Austria, which tried to leave but couldn't because they needed exit visas and had to pay a large fee.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht (The Night of the Broken Glass) was when the Nazis burned Jewish buildings, and killed and sent Jews to concentration camps.
  • The St. Louis

    The St. Louis
    The ship, the St. Louis , sailed from Germany to Cuba carrying hundreds of Jews, but the Cuban government didn't let them off on their ports.
  • Germany Attacks Poland

    Germany Attacks Poland
    Germany invaded Poland, which was the start of Europe getting into World War II.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto

    The Warsaw Ghetto
    The German authorities sealed off the Warsaw ghetto, which left them without many supplies and hundreds of thousands of Jews.
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    Germany Invades the Soviet Union
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union, and following that about a quarter of the Jews from the Holocaust were shot and killed.
  • Allies Drive Back German Forces

    Allies Drive Back German Forces
    The Allies were on offense, and they drove back the German forces.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrendered and World War II ended.