• hitler was born

    hitler was born
    hitler was born
  • Hitler publishes a book named "mien Kompf"

    Hitler publishes a book named "mien Kompf"
    Hitler publishes a book expressing his racist and anti-Semitic views and opinions
  • Hitler establishes the holocaust

    Hitler establishes the holocaust
    Hitler creates the holocaust which is used to imprison millions of jewish prisoners
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
  • the Nuremburg laws are established

    the Nuremburg laws are established
  • The Night Of Broken Glass

    The Night Of Broken Glass
    Hitler retaliates by making Nazi soldiers storm jewish homes
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    hitler invades Poland and officially starts WW2
  • hitler dies

    hitler dies
    hitler is found and killed by the allied powers