Jan 1, 1485
Sketch of The Parachute
Leonardo Da Vinci, First sketch of a parachute existed -
Fauste Veranzio parachute
Fauste Veranzio invented the parachute and he tested it personally -
Jean Pierre used Parachute for emergency
Jean Pierre was the first person to use a parachute in an emergency of a dog -
Andrew Garnerin
was the First person to jmp with a parachute redorded without rigid frame -
Robert Cocking Death
Robert Cocking was the first person to die from an parachute accident -
Thomas Baldwin
Captain Thomas Baldwin was the first person to invent the parachute Harness -
Paul Letteman and Kathchen Paulus
Paul Letteman and Kathchen Paulus invented the method of folding the parachute into a knapsack to be worn on the back before jumping. -
Adrian Nicholas
Adrian NIcholas built a prototype based completely on Da Vinci’s drawings and tested it. He was launched from a hot air balloon in his parachute from a height of 10,000 feet over the wide-open grasslands of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Nicholas had created the parachute from the same materials that would have been available to Da Vinci in his time.