Period: to
The history of the Flu vaccine
The Flu academic comes to Earth
When 11 sailors came back from a voyage they came back with the flu. -
World on edge
1/3 of the world affected and 50 million died -
pairing the 2
Jonas Salk and Thomas Franis are partnered up to work on a cure to the Flu. -
Bacteria NADA
The flu was found not be bacterial. -
The vaccine is created!
Jonas Salk and Thomas Francis develop the Flu vaccine -
H2N2 virus
The H2N2 virus replaces the 1st virus: H1N1 -
The U.S.P.H.S. gives out free flu shots -
The H3N2 virus replaces H2N2 -
Glob-ell out brake?
The Flu brakes out in Russia sickening 25% of their population -
Influenza B
The Flu B virus is more powerful than The Flu infects 26% of the population -
Only one flu shot
Scientist make a shot you MAY only have to get it once in your life -
New formula
Baloxavir Marboxil comes out