The History of Technology

By fof251
  • The programmable relay computer

    The programmable relay computer
    In 1941, after spending years building it in his parents house, Konrad Zuse finished the world´s first programmable and workable relay computer in Berlin, Germany. The computer was able to read binary code and was also able to solve algorithmic problems.
  • The huge Army computer

    The huge Army computer
    In 1946, John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert created the ENIAC( Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator). The ENIAC was the first general-purpose computer and was used by the army for tasks like artillery-firing table calculations and more. The ENIAC took the space of a huge room, contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, and weighed about 30 tons!
  • First high level programming language

    First high level programming language
    FORTRAN (also known as FORmula TRANslation) was invented by John Backus for the company IBM in 1954 and was the first high level programming language. FORTRAN wasn't published or commercially announced until 1957. FORTRAN is used for scientific applications, numerical computations/ mathematical applications, handling multidimensional arrays, and more.
  • The birth of the Internet

    The birth of the Internet
    During the Space War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union launched the world's first man-made. So in order to catch up with their competition the U.S. formed the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). In 1969, four university computers were connected through ARPANET(there were a few crashes and problems but it still worked).
  • Programming language for teaching programming

    Programming language for teaching programming
    PASCAL(named after French physicist/inventor/mathematician Blaise Pascal) is a high level programming language that was created by Niklaus Wirth in 1970. The PASCALwas created and used for teaching structured programming and data structuring to college students. It can be found in applications such as Skype and on the Apple Lisa.
  • The first microprocessor

    The first microprocessor
    The Intel 4004 is the first microprocessor and was made in 1971 by Ted Hoff, Federico Faggin, and Masatoshi Shima. A microprocessor is a tiny electronic chip found inside a computer's central processing unit . The Intel 4004 contained 2250 transistors and could perform up to 90,000 operations per second in chunks of four-bits.
  • The programming language after B

    The programming language after B
    C is a computer programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie and his team at Bell Labs in 1972. C is a general-purpose programming language created to be used in Unix systems. C is used for cross-platforming planning, computer game development, and more.
  • The computer with color

    The computer with color
    A year after the Apple 1 was created Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs created the Apple 2(more updated and features better features) in 1977. The Apple 2 was one of the first successful mass-produced microcomputer products and contained features like 6 colors(which was rare back then), sold and a RAM of 4K-48K. The computer also contained things like 8 internal expansion slots, composite video output, and Woz Integer BASIC in ROM.
  • 1978 version of the DVD

    1978 version of the DVD
    The LaserDisc was invented by David Paul Gregg and was released to the public in 1978. The LaserDisc is a disc (that can come in sizes up to 12 inches!) that is able to store videos and displayed the videos with uncompressed sound and analog picture. DVDs later replaced the LaserDisc but the LaserDisc is still used by some people today.
  • The extension of C

    The extension of C
    C++ is a object-oriented programming language that was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983. C++ is an addition to C and includes improvements like classes, virtual function, and templates. C++ is used for tasks like commercial application development, and server/client applications, games on applications and web browsers like Adobe, Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • The first computer with GUI

    The first computer with GUI
    The Macintosh was made in 1984 by Steve Jobs and was the first personal computer to have graphical user interface(GUI). Graphical user interface allowed people to interact with the computer using items such as windows, icons, and menus. The Macintosh has a 9-inch monochrome screen with 512x342 pixels and each Macintosh costed about 2495 dollars.
  • Programming language for web pages

    Programming language for web pages
    HTML(hypertext markup language) is a computer language made by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. HTML uses tags (e.g.<html>) to create documents on World Wide Web pages and also add fonts, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on the web pages. In conclusion, HTML is the backbone of web pages and forms the structure of a webpage.
  • Spread spectrum communication

    Spread spectrum communication
    Bluetooth was released and created by a group of engineers Ericsson in 1994. Bluetooth is the wireless interconnection of two devices and can be used to send documents and other forms of media to another device wirelessly over short distances. Bluetooth was made to decrease the use of cables that were used to connect 2 devices(like RS-232 cables).
  • The most popular programming language

    The most popular programming language
    JavaScript (was originally named Mocha) is a high level programming language that was created by Brendan Eich in 1995. JavaScript is the most popular programming language and is used all over the world for tasks like dynamic web development, desktop widgets, web animations, and more. JavaScript can be found in applications and web browsers like Gmail, Adobe, Photoshop, and Mozilla Firefox.
  • The 2-in-1 computer

    The 2-in-1 computer
    The Microsoft Surface Book was made by company Microsoft and was released to the public in 2015. The Microsoft Surface Book is a both a laptop and tablet and has up to 12 hour battery life, a dynamic fulcrum hinge(which lets the laptop bend forward and backward), a 6th generation Intel Core processor, up to 16GB RAM, and many other features that makes this device different than others.