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The History of Special Education programs

  • Advertisements for the Asylum

    Advertisements for the Asylum
    Before the 1800s people with disabilities were unfortunately treated like evil people which then transitioned to them being sent off into asylums in the early 1800s. An advertisement for deaf children was printed for an Asylum in 1829 and by the 1840s programs for children with specific learning disabilities started to become more familiar.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    There was a fight for equality in learning among African American students due to the fact that segregation from their white peers had possible emotional effects, For instance, if black students felt inferior to whites at such a young age then that could make them not perform well in school due to lack of confidence and support.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
    Congress wanted to help underprivileged children receive equal opportunities in education so the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was enacted. A grant program was put in place in 1966 to help support ESEA Act with funds for the student's needs.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
    This act was amended and put in place to help protect the rights of children with disabilities to receive an education so that they are receiving the proper education for their unique needs to help them advance in life.
  • Winkelman versus Parma City School District

    Winkelman versus Parma City School District
    A six-year-old boy named Jacob Winkelman who had autism helped push for the rights of parents to represent their children with special needs and for kids with special needs voices to be heard.
  • No Child Left Behind Out, Every Student Succeeds Act In

    No Child Left Behind Out, Every Student Succeeds Act In
    Once former president Obama was in office the old no child left behind act was revamped and the every student succeeds act was put in place but most states still failed to comply with the new act according to reports made by the U.S. Department of Education in 2020.