The History of Special Education

  • American School of the Deaf

    American School of the Deaf
    The first school for disabled children anywhere in the Western Hemisphere.Founded in Hartford, Connecticut named The American School of the Deaf. Important to recognize as one of the first to establish a school for individuals with a deaf disability.
  • Perkins Institution of the Blind

    Perkins Institution of the Blind
    The first school for the blind in the United States located in Watertown Massachusetts. Important as it played the role in the history of eduction visual impaired students. Creating an opportunity for them to expand their potential and open the door to eduction with special needs. Today continuing to be one of the oldest school for the blind, and partner with internal organizations to provide resources and learning tools in over 67 countries.
  • National Education Association

    National Education Association
    The NEA represents public schools teachers and other personnels in the education system.The NEA established a section for teacher of children with disabilities, important to include teachers working with a diversity of children. Providing greater recognition applicable as special education surrounds around unique children but also including teachers for better support today. (specific date wasn't found but important to hight light the small changes)
  • Council of Exceptional Children

    Council of Exceptional Children
    The first advocacy group for children with disabilities. Applicable as the largest professional organization today devoted to the education of students with disabilities, and gift/talents. Important as they continue to examine policy issues and respond to those issues in a local, state, and federal legislation. Recognized today as the leader in advocacy for special education policy.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    The movement of children portraying schools unequal and deprived them from equal protection of the law. The case was based off separation from race making color children miss opportunities of learning and affected feeling inferior to other students. Important as not only a movement for color children to be part in the regular school system with other children.Important as it sparked a movement for parents of children with disabilities to confront school systems for segregation and exclusion
  • Elementary and Secondary Education

    Elementary and Secondary Education
    President Lybon B. Jhonson signed towards equal access to education with promoting high standards and accountability in schools.Applicable as later becoming the No Child Left Behind Act
  • Center for Independent Living

    Center for Independent Living
    The centered founded by ED Roberts at UC Berkley was the first center to support the needs of individuals with special needs to live independent. Important to change a expectation of people with disabilities to be dependent.Applicable for the community to view people with disabilities in a different perspective.Opening a mind set for individuals with special needs to stride towards independence and professional help in gaining the necessary skills, eduction, etc, for independent living.
  • The Rehabilitation Act 504

    The Rehabilitation Act 504
    The act prohibited discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs or activities in receiving federal assistance. Important for students to receive accommodations or adjustments from schools to have equal access in the least restrictive environment. Appreciable as individuals continue their education from elementary, middle, high school, and through universities have the right to have access in various way to promote their education.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children

    Education for All Handicapped Children
    Special Education law directed for students with physical and mental disabilities. The law consisted of public schools providing children with special needs the same opportunities for education as other children. The event was important to promote fair and assessable education for all children. Creating federal recourses for to public school for the education of disabled students. Appreciable as promoting equality through the education for children. Later to be known IDEA.
  • Public Law 101-336

    Public Law 101-336
    Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) signed by President George H. W. Bush. Forbids discrimination against persons with disabilities in both the public and private sectors. Important in special education for older individuals transitioning from school to adulthood. Applicable to continue setting up a community for greater protection. Securing a future for individuals with disabilities to have an accommodated and secured place outside of school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    Re-modification of the Education for All Handicapped Children to ensure children with special needs receive free public education with emphasizes special education and related services designed to met their needs. Ensuring the rights of handicapped children, parents, guardians are protected.Applying for children to gain their opportunities rights in the education system.Emphasizing transition planning for adolescent with disabilities
  • Cuyahoga Council for Retarded Citizens

    Cuyahoga Council for Retarded Citizens
    A parental advocacy group formed of five mothers with children with mental disabilities who protested at Cuyahoga Ohio to protest against their children being excluded from school public schools. Important as it established a class for their special need children sponsored through the parents. Applicable as it turned a motion for parents standing up for special need children to be included.Promoting more organizations in the 1930's-1942 to reach parent concerns.
  • IDEA Amendments of 1997

    IDEA Amendments of 1997
    IDEA reauthorize, a retooling and expansion of services Divided into four parts, general provision, assistance for the education of all children with disabilities, infants and toddlers with disabilities, and national activities to improve the education of children with disabilities.Strengthen the academic expectation and accountability in what children with disabilities learn in the school and what is required in regular curriculum. Important supports special education and related services.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Created accountability for student’s academic performance through routine assessments of a student’s academic skills. Important today for schools to demonstrate progress in students with special needs. Appreciable as it allows students to get alternative options in academic, social or emotional need if schools are not meeting those needs.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvment

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvment
    President George Incorporated changes in various areas including methods to identify students with learning disabilities, early intervening services, discipline, and meeting accessibility standards. Applicable to enhance the free appropriate education for children with disabilities in the future years.
  • Public Law 110-325

    Public Law 110-325
    Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) signed by President W. Bush revises the definition of a disability. Important in extending protection to a larger number of individuals. Expanding major life activities in including two nonexclusive lists. Impacting special education in determining ineligible students’ services under IDEA and IEP. Applicable in ensuring individuals with disabilities receive the protection and services to which they are legally entitled.
  • Rosa's Law

    Rosa's Law
    Developed by Rosa Marcellino a young child with Down Syndrome and her family Signed law by President Obama to remove the term of mental retardation and mentally retarded from federal health, education, and labor statues. With the new language of "intellectual disability". Important for for children with special needs to steer from the "R" word. Applicable in small changes that need recognition that make a change in the view and meaning of individuals with disabilities.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    Reauthorization from President Barack Obama important as it preserved the No Child Left Behind Act maintaining the focus on high standards, accountability, and student achievements. Applicable in changes through adaptation and elimination. Identifying school in low preforming status for intervention. Replacement of yearly progress provision with a statewide accountability system.