The History of Special Education

  • Itard and Seguin

  • Gallaudet

  • Howe

  • Segregation

    Students with disabilities were segregated from the regular education classroom
  • Normalization

    Normalization and Deinstitutionalization of children with disabilities
  • Inclusion!

    Starting the reintegration of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom!
  • Regular Education Initiative

    Students with mild disabilities are educated in the regular education classroom for most of the day.
  • No Child Left Behind

    All students are held to high standards. Students with mild disabilities will pass all state assessments like students without disabilities.
  • IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Nondiscrimatory assessments and evaluations
    Least Restrictive Environment
    Individualized Education Programs
    Procedural Safeguards
    Suspensions and Expulsions
    Confidentiality and access to information
    Services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers
    Funding for early intervention