
The History of Instructional Design

By masmas
  • School museums

    The first school museum appeared in St. Louis. Students were presented various artifacts as tools for learning.
  • Instructional films

    The first catalog of instructional films was published followed by the adoption of films for regular use for the first time in Rochester NY public school system.
  • Instructional radio

    Instructional radio
    Instructional radio appeared in the 1920s and by the 1930s commercial interests had invested and lost over $50 million.
  • Behavioral Objectives

    Ralph Tyler suggests the concept of behavioral objectives which state specific outcomes for the instructional design.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The United States Military adopted audiovisual devices such as training films and filmstrips to encourage the performance of military personnel.
  • Media Research

    WWII led to the development of many research studies of audiovisual instruction.
  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
    The instructional television movement was fueled by the 1952 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to dedicated 242 television channels for education, and Ford Foundation funding of more than $170 million on educational television.
  • Early Computers

    Early Computers
    Much of the research done on CAI was preformed by IBM and it wasn't until the 1980s that computers were first used in education.
  • Programmed Instruction

    This movement helped to encourage the development of the systems approach.
  • Taxonomy of Educational Objects

    Taxonomy of Educational Objects
    Benjamin Bloom suggests a model for categorizing educational learning objectives.
  • Sputnik

    The first Russian satellite was launched.
  • Instructional Design Models

    Instructional Design Models
    In the early and mid 60s the very first instructional design models had the end goal of systematically designing instructional materials. This initiated the use of new terminology like systematic instruction.
  • Criterion-Referenced Test

    A test designed with the aim of measuring how well an individual can perform a behavior.
  • The Conditions of Learning

    The Conditions of Learning
    Robert Gagne published his book titled "The Conditions of Learning" where he described different theories of learning.
  • Events of Instruction

    Events of Instruction
    Gange arranged a series of events that he believed should occur during instruction. He called them the "Events of Instruction."
  • Summative Evaluation

    A term coined by Scriven, summative evaluation describes the testing of instructional materials after they have been made into final form.
  • Formative Evaluation

    Formative Evaluation is a process where educators are provided a prescription for evaluating the effectiveness of the design while they are still being designed.
  • Cognitive Psychology

    Cognitive Psychology
    Cognitive psychology began to appear and quickly picked up speed in the 1980s
  • Constructivism

    Instructional design took on a new form when the constructivist movement was spreading.
  • Meghan's birthday

    Meghan's birthday