The History Of Guns

By ijk1172
  • May 8, 1364

    The first "gun"

    The first "gun"
    Hand cannons were the first "gun" to ever be created, even though they didn't prove to be the most useful of weaponry, they were the first step in the creation of guns.
  • Period: May 8, 1364 to

    The Evolution Of Gun Technology

  • May 8, 1415

    The Matchlock (early 1400s)

    The Matchlock  (early 1400s)
    A "serpentine" was created to hold the slow match so the user didn't have to. When the user pulled the trigger the slow match woud ignite the gunpowder. This was an amazing addition, but it was still unaccurate.
  • May 8, 1498


    Rifling improved the accuracy of guns greatly by adding grooves in the barrel that caued the bullet to spiral.
  • May 8, 1509


    Instead of using a wick, or slow match, the wheel lock used a wheel to spark the powder, it was very expensive however, and many people stuck with the matchlock.
  • Flintlock

    The flint lock made it so the powder was no longer exposed, which made it much less mesy and dangerous. The flint would strike the metal, open the lid, and light the gunpowder, but before the gunpowder could escape, the srping would close the lid again.
  • Revolver

    Revolvers were the first gun that could fire multiple shots without reloading, revolutionizing guns. The revolver used a cap percussion system where a hammer struck a pocket of powder, causing ignition.
  • Repeating Rifle

    Repeating Rifle
    The first rifle to use a catridge was a Spencer, capable of firing 7 shots in 15 seconds. They were used throughout the civil war
  • Fully automatic

    Fully automatic
    The first hand held automatic gun was created and even though gatling guns were already made, having a hanheld automatic drastically changed warfare.