Globalization has caused many significant events that were either good or bad but ultimately resulted in a well balanced society today.
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus and America
"Some globalization skeptics argue that the Industrial Revolution
was the breeding ground for globalization, while others point
at the period of European colonialism that started on 12th
October 1492 when Columbus discovered America" (Rennen and Martens 138). Globalization started for us in America when Columbus found America. When he found America it was the breeding ground for a new society. -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus and America 2
Without Columbus finding America society would not be the same today and that is a huge part in globalization. -
The Steam Engine
"According to Langhorne, the first juncture of globalization can be dated back to the second stage of the Industrial Revolution, with
James Watt’s invention of the steam engine in 1765" ( Rennen and Martens 138). The steam engine was the backbone of powering all moving things. Later on after the steam engine was created it was used in many moving things. -
The Steam Engine 2
Over time all the moving things such as trains, automobiles and boats evolved over time into what we have today. The steam engine was the first step in globalization for powering moving things. -
The Telegraph
"This represents a historical turning point in the development of
globalization, since distances in space and time decreased
significantly as a result of this invention. It enabled nation
states to react and to learn more quickly from the events" (Rennen and Martens 140). This turned communication around. Instead of traveling months for communication it took a couple of seconds for a telegraph message. The telegraph kept progressing through the future influencing the communication we have today. -
U.N and other organizations
"Many influential international and supranational organisations
were founded shortly after the Second World War" (Rennen and Martens 141). One of the biggest organizations we have now the U.N was created after WWII to help prevent any more world wars and create world peace. At the time this was common because many organizations were being made but the U.N was the biggest. The U.N was a huge factor in globalization because of it pulling everyone together for a better world. -
Globalization Definition
"The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale" (Global Policy Forum). Globalization has been happening for many years but this century, globalization has flourished and gotten better over years.