Hereditary Genius is published
In Hereditary Genius, Francis Galton makes the case that intelligence is inherited from one's predecessors. -
Binet-Simon tests developed
Binet and Simon, researchers in France, create a battery of tests to identify the "mental age" of individuals. -
Publication of Standford-Binet
The man who is considered the "father" of education for the gifted publishes the Stanford-Binet test which has a profound effect on IQ testing and gifted education. -
Longitudinal Study of Gifted Children begins
A longitudinal study of 1,500 children who are gifted begins this year and runs until the 1970's. The information gathered through this long running study help further the education of gifted children. -
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture is published by Lea Hollngworth and goes on to be the first textbook regarding gifted education. -
The National Association of Gifted Children is formed
Ann Isaacs is the first leader of this organization. -
The National Defense Education Act
TheNational Defense Education Act is passed and is the first time the federal government has worked t advance gifted education on a large scale. -
Office of the Gifted and Talented Created
This office is created under the U.S. Office of Education -
A Nation at Risk is published
This report contends that gifted American sudents are academically behind gifted children in other countries. It also gave recommendations for ways to improve gifted education in America. -
National Excellence: The Case for Developing America's Talent
The Department of Education publishes this report reinforcing that America does not effectively educate gifted children and goes on to make suggestions for improvements. -
Gifted Education Standards are passed
The National Association of Gifted Children puts out national gifted education standards. -
National Gifted Education Standards revised
The NAGC revises the standards it published in 2006.