The First Step
In 1821, Michael Faraday published his work on electromagnetic rotation. https://myelectrical.com/notes/entryid/6/michael-faraday-the-father-of-electrical-engineering -
The First Accomplishments
Edison’s power plant was the latest in a flurry of electrical breakthroughs, beginning with the first successful transatlantic telegraph cable in 1866, the demonstration of the first working telephone in 1876 and Edison’s first light bulb in 1879. https://news.mit.edu/2011/timeline-eecs-0309 -
The First university to teach Electrical Engineering
In 1882, Darmstadt University of Technology founded the first chair and the first faculty of electrical engineering worldwide. In the same year, under Professor Charles Cross, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began offering the first option of Electrical Engineering within a physics department. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_electrical_engineering#:~:text=In%201882%2C%20Darmstadt%20University%20of,Engineering%20within%20a%20physics%20department. -
1894-1895 Major Advancement
The first wireless telegraphy was invented in 1894 and was used in the begging of world war 1 until the amplitude modulation was invented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_telegraphy -
Major Event for Electrical Engineers
In 1906 the first wireless broadcast was hosted by Reginald A. Fessenden. https://ethw.org/Milestones:First_Wireless_Radio_Broadcast_by_Reginald_A._Fessenden,_1906#:~:text=On%2024%20December%201906%2C%20the,Massachusetts%20to%20the%20general%20public -
The Advancements of Communication
The first instance of the police communication system https://ethw.org/Milestones:One-Way_Police_Radio_Communication,_1928 -
The Start of Television
Vladimir K. Zworykin start experiments on TV from 1924 to 1925 and had a pro type finished in 1933 https://ethw.org/Milestones:Development_of_Electronic_Television,_1924-1941#:~:text=Professor%20Takayanagi%20began%20making%20an,television%20system%20in%20November%201935.&text=The%20commercial%20development%20of%20television,1941%20due%20to%20the%20war. -
Colored TV
The idea of a color TV and testing started in December of 1945 and was finalized in June of 1951. https://ethw.org/Milestones:Monochrome-Compatible_Electronic_Color_Television,_1946-1953#:~:text=range%201946%2D1953-,Monochrome%2DCompatible%20Electronic%20Color%20Television%2C%201946%2D1953,%2D%20compatible%2C%20color%20television%20system. -
Holographic Discovery
In 1984 holographic display was made by Dennis Gabor. Fun fact: holographic where made on mistake while trying to improve quality of electron microscope imagery http://www.displayhologram.co.uk/the-hologram/history-of-holography/#:~:text=A%20Brief%20History,Nobel%20Prize%20for%20his%20work.&text=Leith%20and%20Upatnieks%20as%20well,viewable%20using%20ordinary%20white%20light. -
Display of Gems
1962, an RCA researcher Richard Williams discovered how to make liquid crystal display a pattern by applying a voltage. This evolved into the liquid crystal display we use today in phones and computers. https://www.circuitstoday.com/invention-history-of-liquid-crystal-display-lcd -
The First Uses of Crystal Display
In 1972, the first active liquid crystal display panel was produced in the USA by T. Peter Brody https://history-computer.com/ModernComputer/Basis/lcd.html -
CD Origins
The first showing of a CD player was in 1979. It was just a prototype but was shown in japan and Europe. https://lowendmac.com/2014/history-of-the-compact-disc/#:~:text=Sony%20introduced%20the%20CDP%2D101,extremely%20expensive%20at%20%2430%20each. -
Development of Cellular Communications
Qualcomm first publicly showed off a digital cellular radio system. https://ethw.org/Milestones:Development_of_CDMA_for_Cellular_Communications,_1989#:~:text=On%207%20November%201989%2C%20Qualcomm,quality%2C%20and%20extended%20battery%20life. -
Science or Entertainment
The first major advancement of TV in 62 years https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/first-hdtv.htm -
The Birth of QR Codes
Hara Masahiro invited QR codes for a simpler version of a bar code that can be scanned once and give more information. https://www.nippon.com/en/news/fnn20191214001/the-little-known-story-of-the-birth-of-the-qr-code.html