The History of Educational Technology

  • 30,000 BCE

    Cave Drawings

    Cave Drawings
    In prehistoric times, cave drawings were the first forms of art. Also, they are the most well-known types of primitive communication. Cave drawings were the first way of using instructional technology.
  • 510 BCE

    Pythagoras Academy

    Pythagoras Academy
    The first school was opened in 510 BCE and It was the Pythagoras Academy by the philosopher Pythagoras.
  • 105


    Paper was first made in China and it is used for writing. Writing by hand on a piece of paper is the most effective way to study.
  • 382

    Manuscript Transcription

    Manuscript Transcription
    A manuscript means a document is that is handwritten. It is not mechanically printed. It helped students improve their calligraphy.
  • 1450

    Gutenberg Printing Press

    Gutenberg Printing Press
    Inventor of the printing press is Johannes Gutenberg. It is a machine that make easier access information, share new ideas with more people and educate people faster than ever before. It had a big impact on education. Printing press which changed the teaching process allowed student learn from their books, without a teacher.
  • 1450

    The Hornbook and Printed Books

    The Hornbook and Printed Books
    It was introduced to schools in 1690. The hornbook was one of the first forms of educational technology for teaching children to read.
  • Calculator

    The first mechanical calculator was produced in 1642. It plays an important role in Math education, because calculator helps students to solve problems.
  • The Magic Lantern

    The Magic Lantern
    The Magic Lantern, which reflects images onto a wall, is the first form of the projector. It was used for education.
  • Chalkboard

    The chalkboard was invented by Scottish teacher in the nineteenth-century and it became a part of education. Writing on a chalkboard helps students take correct notes.
  • Audiovisual Age

    Audiovisual Age
    In this period of time, teachers used radio, film strip projector, overhead projector to give a better education.
  • Radio

    Radio was one of the most useful technological tools in the classroom, because it made possible to listen to the lectures, and talks.
  • Filmstrip Projector

    Filmstrip Projector
    The filmstrip were used to create audiovisual learning environments for students and show educational films in classrooms.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    In the field of education, overhead projectors were commonly used.
  • Skinner's Learning Machine

    Skinner's Learning Machine
    Skinner created something called teaching machine and it had important implications for education.
  • Television

    Television, as an audiovisual device, is one of the most effective media in education.
  • Computer

    Computer plays a significant role in the field of education.
  • PowerPoint

    It was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin. Teachers can prepare lectures and presentations using visual effects. This makes it simple for teachers to create interactive, and educational lessons.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    Smart boards are introduced in schools. When smart boards are used in the classroom, students become more interested in learning.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    Internet started to be publicly available in 1993. Today, internet is the most popular forms of educational technology used in schools. It improves the quality of education.
  • iPad

    The use of iPad in schools has resulted in student-centered class activities. Therefore, many schools uses tablets instead of textbooks.