The History of Educational Technologies

  • 2300 BCE

    The Dictionary

    The first dictionary's date goes back to very earlier times. In today's technology people usually use online dictionaries in their mobile phones.
  • 2000 BCE

    The Abacus and Calculator

    The development of it has started with the abacus which had been known for thousands of years. There are variety of calculators that are too modern and electronic.
  • 868 BCE

    The Book

    The Book
    The first printed book which was written 868 B.C. is a Buddhist book from China. As one of the most known and oldest communication devices, the book, is still the first education tool. By combining it with technology, the printed versions are increased. Book was the only educational tool until 1800. It also has effect on oral communication for years.
  • 1440

    The First Printing Press

    The First Printing Press
    The first printing press was bigger than today's printers.It used to work with the human power. The development of it has provided that people could reach the books which are more than one.The first one has been The Gutenberg Press, which, is an exile from Germany.
  • The Magic Lantern

    The magic lanterns are devices that are equal to today's projections. It was used to project the image as projections.
  • The First Electronic Computer

    The First Electronic Computer
    The first programmable, electronic and digital computer, ENIAC, invented by Presper Eckert, Jr., John William Mauchly, and their associates at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. In today's conditions computers are muchmore developed.
  • The Language Lab

    The Language Lab
    It was designed for the students to learn language.There was a record device for the entire class which was not enough for students.
  • The First Smart Board

    The first smart board was thought by David Martin and Nancy Knowlton in 1987. After that, they have built a company and introduced it to world technology. It has been developed and opened to today's education.