
The History of Blood

  • Jan 1, 1200

    discovery of blood flow

    discovery of blood flow
    A physician by the name of Eminent Cario discovers the flow of blood to and from the lungs now known as pulmonary circulation
  • blood valves

    blood valves
    Anatomist Fabricius of Padua is the fist to illistrate and publish his concept of blood valves.
  • The first blood transfusion

    The first blood transfusion
    The first ever documented blood transfusion preformed in animals was exicuted by Richard Lower. He took a syringe and pumped the blood from one dog into the neck artery of another.
  • The ban of transfusions

    The ban of transfusions
    A court case between Dr. Denis and Antoine Mauroy's widow leads to the ban of all blood tranfusions in France. Shortly after this ban is carried out in England as well as Rome.
  • First human to human transfusion

    First human to human transfusion
    The first human to human blood transfusion is accredited to Philip Syng Physick by a footnote in a medical journal. His work was not published
  • First recorded human to human transfusion

    First recorded human to human transfusion
    The first recorded human to human blood transfusion was preformed by obstetrician and physiologist James Blundell. He injected his patient with blood from several donors but after initial improvment the paitent died.
  • Platelets

    Sir William Osler discovers and observes platelets which are agents that help clot blood.
  • Blood Types

    Blood Types
    The discovery of different blood types was brought forward by Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner. He detailed his fidnings of the different blood grops which he labled "A", "B", and "C" which he later changed to "O".
  • The fourth blood type.

    The fourth blood type.
    A fourth blood type -AB- is dicovered by Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli.
  • Cross Matching

    Cross Matching
    Dr. Ludvig Hektoen suggests cross matching before transfusions to check for incompatibility of blood types later eliminating all negati ve side effects of transfusions.
  • Blood Storage

    Blood Storage
    At the Rockefeller institute, Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner discover a citrate-glucose solution that allows blood to be stored for a few weeks before use.
  • The first donors

    The first donors
    Percy Lane Oliver of London establishes the first blood donor serice out of his home. He gathers volunteers who agree to be 24 hr on call donors ready to travel to any hospital that might need blood.
  • Cadaver blood

    Cadaver blood
    In Moscow. Dr. Dr. Serge Yudin is the first to transfuse cadaver blood of a 60 yr old man into a boy who had attempted suicide. His work was successful initiating a network of facilities to collect and store the blood of the dead.
  • Blood Bank

    Blood Bank
    Dr. Bernard Fantus dubbed his storage facility of blood the "Blood Bank" thus creating the now popular term.
  • Rh factor

    Rh factor
    With former knowledge from Drs. Philip Levine and R.E. Stetson, Drs. Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener are able to discover a new blood group. The Rh group.
  • American Red Cross

    American Red Cross
    The American Red Cross agrees to open the first civilian blood drive looking to bring in blood for soldiers figting in the war. They are succssesful and bring in 13 million units of blood.
  • Blood Bags

    Blood Bags
    Surgeon Dr. Carl W. Walter is the first to store blood in bags which ends up boosting blood collection.
  • Hemoglobin

    Dr. Max Perutz uncovers the structure of hemoglobin through crystallography.
  • Hep. B

    Mandatory test required by the FDA to search for Hepatitis B antibodies in a donor.
  • GRID

    GRID makes its first apperance in the world.
  • AIDS

    Researchers in France isolate the AIDS virus (previously GRID) they locate it in the swollen lymph node of a paitent.
  • The Elisa Test

    After an epidemic in AIDS transfer through blood transfusions, the US government mandates a test to screen for HIV anitbodies.
  • Legal Issues

    A legal battle between the US and France over who would get credit for discovering the AIDS virus end in split royalties and credit.
  • Blood Tests.

    Between the years of 1987-2002 a series of more complex tests are devloped to better screening of donated blood.