The History and Evolution of Special Education Services

  • Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens in Hartford, Connecticut

    Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens in Hartford, Connecticut
  • Braile code is first published

    Braile code is first published
  • American Printing House for the Blind is established

    American Printing House for the Blind is established
  • National Deaf Mute College is established, later to be renamed Gallaudet University

    National Deaf Mute College is established, later to be renamed Gallaudet University
  • College level training for teacher of students with intellectual disabilities begins

  • Segregated classes in public schools are established as viable alternatives to instructing children with disabilities; the term emotional disturbance comes into use

  • Council for Exceptional Children is founded

    Council for Exceptional Children is founded
  • Dr. Hans Asperger indentifies children with characteristics that later would come to be called Asperger Syndrome

    Dr. Hans Asperger indentifies children with characteristics that later would come to be called Asperger Syndrome
  • Congress provides funding to disseminate best practices for special education by adding Title VI to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

  • IDEA is amended, adding provisions related to transition services, participation by general teachers, and discipline

  • No Child Left Behind Act increases accountability for outcomes for all students and requires that they are taught by highly qualified teachers

    No Child Left Behind Act increases accountability for outcomes for all students and requires that they are taught by highly qualified teachers
  • President Obama signs Rosa's Law, whichwhich changes federal language usage from mental retardation to intellectual disability

    President Obama signs Rosa's Law, whichwhich changes federal language usage from mental retardation to intellectual disability